Chapter 4

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Today is finally the day that I go off to uni and before you ask no I haven't made up with my parents in fact I'm pretty sure that the row we had made things so much worse as they finally realise that I wasn't happy growing up like they thought I was and so now confrontation is quite awkward if I'm being honest, the following morning of the argument my parents wouldn't even look at me and muttered a goodbye as they left for work. So now, today when I leave I hope we say goodbye properly when they drive me over there and help me get settled as they are my parents after all and I will always love them no matter how little time they spend with me I mean they are the only family I have.

I went downstairs first to get some breakfast so I searched through all of the cupboards until I found some spread to go on my toast that I had just made, today is the day when we would go shopping or have it delivered from my mum purchasing it online as she has no time to go shopping herself as she puts it. So I had to basically eat everything before I left as they didn't need to shop for me for a long time now so I was making the most of it. I finally stumbled upon some Nutella, got a butter knife and put it on my toast smiling the whole time as I wiped the remains off the butter knife and ate it. What? I like nutella, who doesn't? I made myself some Yorkshire tea as well, which I love and put it in my favourite cup.

I made my way to the living room and quickly checked the clock and it was 8:00 am which meant I had to leave for uni in 4 hours to get there for 2 pm. I put on Pitch Perfect because that is the best film out there and if you haven't seen it then I suggest you do soon! You are missing out! As they were singing my iPhone buzzed telling me I had a twitter notification.

@its_caseyyyy: @Aria_scott_xx hey Ar, I miss you loads! Today is uni day so I wanted to say good luck hun, you'll do great! xx

I favourited the tweet and replied to say thank you and I missed her too. We don't really text now cause her mum was complaining about her phone bill so twitter is what we use now which I'm not complaining over. It's the stupid time zones that I hate. We basically caught up over the past few days as she has finally settled in, I am glad but a tiny bit upset that she has this great opportunity at a new start. I mean I guess I do to but she is basically starting a new life and I'm in the final step of my education. She took a picture of her new house which is slightly larger than the one she had here but there was no dramatic difference, she had a massive driveway and a lovely garden which I am positive will be filled with every kind of plant and flower they can find as Tara loves the gardening role and so Casey has learnt to love it also. The kitchen and living room are much larger than I would have thought as there is no wall to separate the two rooms so there is basically a huge room with both the living room and kitchen giving the impression it is way bigger than it actually is. Casey's bedroom is the dream though, I mean she has an en suite and a walk in wardrobe, I would love that! She has decorated it exactly the same as it was before, with 5 Seconds Of Summer as the main theme but I mean come on Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood and Michael Clifford are amazing and no one can disagree and if they do then there is something wrong with them.

After I had finished eating my Nutella spread toast and tea, I went into the kitchen to wash and put away my things into their rightful places so my mother doesn't scream at me for being 'ungrateful' as she puts it.

I head upstairs and decide on packing my last box which was all of my memories basically, by that I mean all the things I have received from people that came from a great day. I found a necklace that was a simple silver chain with a fake diamond on then end. I got that when I was with my Aunt years ago, we were on the beach in Yarmouth and there was this adorable shop with handmade jewellery and this one caught my eye. I had the best day then, I was happy and someone was listening to me for once that was an adult figure in my life. My Aunt still lives in Doncaster which is where I am originally from before I came to Cambridge, I do miss my family up there a heck of a lot. When I finish Uni I want to move there as it's home and always will be.

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