Chapter 7

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I felt extremely dizzy, the only way I can explain it is when you go on a roller coaster and it goes upside down and spins, when you walk off you feel physically ill that you can't think an all you want to do is sleep. Yeah that's how I'm feeling, though I was now awake but my eyes were not yet open giving the appearance to those clearly around me as I could hear them that I was fast asleep.

I am so intrigued as to who that person carrying me was, it was most probably someone who I haven't yet spoken to, I could tell that they had such a kind side to them by the way they held me. Practically holding me so close to them that no one could get to me, I know that I wasn't awake but I felt the warmth of their arms around me.

I also recall them smelling amazing, in the most non-creepy way there is, he smelt like a mixture of mint, cologne that would have me intoxicated within minutes of being close to them and a light hint of smoke. By how little the smell of the smoke was I could tell that they smoked but not on a daily basis, as when you see all of those people smoking constantly as a way of relieving stress and such things, you can practically smell it as soon as said person would walk into a room.

I know that if I come across that scent again, I will know it's them. I just can't get them out of my head and that moment, clearly that meant nothing to them as much as helping someone in need, but to me no one has treated me that nicely and securely before and I didn't even know them.

Far too soon I found my eyes opening due to a loud bang from across the room. As I looked to the source of the noise, I saw Olivia who had knocked over a pile of books from the nearby desk.

I have only known this girl for 24 hours and I have learnt in that in that time she is the most clumsy person I have ever met who embarrasses herself by doing the simplest things, I find it quite cute though. It's like having a little sister who needs someone to look out for them.

As I started to laugh to myself the nurse obviously heard and came to my bedside where I was placed and had been here for god knows how long.

"Ah, how are you feeling sweets?" Wow she was so nice, not like the ones you see on tv that are so stroppy they would send you on your way most probably with a slight concussion, she had blonde chest height hair that was wrapped into a ponytail. Wearing the uniform she was given, it has several pens placed in the top pocket just below the collar, wearing glasses as she looked over at my notes probably to see if my blood pressure was back to normal.

"Much better thanks, slight headache but that's it" I smiled lightly as too much movement actually hurt.

"That's good to hear darling but I'm not surprised you hit your head pretty hard on that table when you went down. If that nice boy didn't rush you in here, that would have been a trip to hospital" I'm sorry but what, that amazingly blue eyed boy who smelt like heaven had actually saved me from head damage.

I didn't know how to respond so instead I just stared looking extremely shocked.

"And may I say he looked quite nice too, you are a lucky girl to have him take care of you like that" she had that tone to suggest something was going on with this mystery boy.

I could see Olivia raising her eyebrow in confusion and she wasn't alone.

"Sorry but who brought me here exactly?" I probably sounded desperate but I didn't care.

She caught on and chuckled at me.

"Oh I'm sorry dear but I don't know, he dropped you off and told us to take care of you then walked off. Though he was a good looking boy if I don't say so my self" laughing at the end she wiggled her eyebrows at me making me instantly blush.

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