s i x t e e n

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corey🙈: hello my love. im afraid i won't be picking you up today. my chat with phil didn't go too well. but i promise we can spend some time together in the next couple of days :)
i love you.

dan sighed heavily, tossing his phone to the other side of the bed, resting his head back on reagan's stomach. she carded her fingers through his hair, attempting to tame the mess of curls on his head.

"what'd he say?"

"ch-chat didn-n't go well. h-he said he w-wo-would see me i-in a f-few days. r-reagan, he t-told me he lo-loved me ag-again," dan whispered, bunching her shirt in a fist.

"do you love him too?"

dan stayed silent. he was only sixteen - as was corey. neither of them were supposed to know what love really was this early in life. dan cared deeply for corey, but he didn't think he loved him. he tried thinking about all the times he'd kissed corey, but his mind only drifted to the previous exchange he'd had with phil, and his entire body ignited.

"i d-don't th-think so," he sighed.

"then you need to tell him that, babe," reagan dragged her nails down dan's back, making him shudder. "if you don't tell him, he'll continue to press on about it. he'll stop if you're honest about it."

"b-but he w-w-won't want t-to be wi-with me af-fter. i-i'll j-ju-just mak-ke him u-un-uncomf-fortable a-and he'll b-br-break up w-with me,"

reagan drew in a breath, ready to begin talking, when her phone began ringing beside her, making dan jump.

"hold on, it's mum," she mumbled, answering and pressing her phone to her ear. "hey mum, do you think you could call-"

mrs. lester cut her off, making reagan roll her eyes.

"why in god's name do you need me to take you to the store? the car's in the driveway and you have a license. i'm busy with dan, remember?"

dan slapped her shoulder, scowling at her. "j-just go, r-ree. i'll b-be f-fi-fine."

reagan sighed, nodding. "alright, i'll be down there in a minute. okay, bye."

she tossed her phone to the end of the bed, looking back at dan. "i'll be back as soon as possible, okay? but you know how mum can be, so god knows how long it'll be-"

"reagan ann," dan whispered sternly. "g-go,"

"ugh, okay. eat or something while i'm gone, okay?" dan nodded wordlessly, and reagan leaned down to kiss his cheek. "bye then,"

dan smiled up at her as she put her shoes on and grabbed a coat from her desk chair. she slipped out the door and skipped down the steps, loudly yelling at her mother to hurry up. as they left the house, dan heard reagan shout "love you!" before slamming the door. the corners of dan's lips twitched up.

dan exhaled a small sigh through his nose, turning onto his stomach. he thrust his arms under one of the pillows, adding extra support for him to lay his head against. he stared blankly at the wall to his right, focusing on not focusing.

think about nothing.

the words swarmed dan's mind and he smiled. it was something his grandfather used to tell him all of the time. (a/n: i will love u forever if u get this reference. edit: it is not from happy wheels adventure!!)

think about nothing.

but gradually, nothing turned into something. and that something was someone. a boy; a boy with messy black hair and confusing blue eyes that dan didn't want to stop looking at. a boy that continuously fucked with his mind with no remorse. a boy named phil lester.

dan shut his eyes tightly, the familiar burn taking place in his nose when he knew he was going to cry.

he was sick of crying.

outside, a car door slammed shut, making dan jump. was reagan back already, or had time moved so much quicker? he checked his phone. it had only been seven minutes since he was left alone. his heart lept to his throat as the door downstairs was opened and closed loudly. were they being robbed?

dan stayed perfectly still, paralysed. well, this is it. he thought. i'm going to die. footsteps made their way through the den and slowly, agonisingly slowly, they stomped up the stairs. a small whimper escaped dan's lips and he hid his face in the pillow. the door opened and dan tensed. the footsteps came closer; dan sucked in a breath and held it.

then, a voice rang out. a beautifully familiar voice that made dan's heart swell and contract at the same time. the voice that drowned him in guilt and longing.

"hey baby,"

lips pressed to the back of dan's neck and he shuddered, letting out his breath.

"hi, phil."


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