t w e n t y - f i v e

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author's note at the end please read !!!

"dan," phil panted into dan's mouth. dan ignored him, instead choosing to move his lips to phil's neck, leaving angry marks in his wake. "dan, stop."

phil gripped dan's shoulders and pulled him back, making the younger boy whine. dan's eyes were still red and swollen from crying, having just had a messy conversation with reagan. phil had told her everything. from the kisses to the nights in the bathrooms while no one was watching or listening. needless to say, reagan wasn't happy.

however, she stayed calm. she told dan it was okay, despite the disappointment radiating off of her being. dan knew she was angry, and he knew she wanted to yell at him, but dan's father had just returned with no warning, dan's ex-boyfriend raped him, and then broke his heart. dan knew he was in the wrong for so many things, but he was still fragile, and reagan knew it. 

"you need to talk to me, dan." phil murmured. "i'm not allowing you to do this in order to ignore your feelings. if that's the only reason i'm here, i'm leaving."

phil, on the other hand, was not like reagan.

he was not going to baby dan through all of this. he understood dan's instability in regards toward corey and his father, and he wasn't going to push dan in any way in those situations. he was not, however, going to coddle dan because reagan was angry at him for not telling her of the relationship going on between he and phil. he knew that dan was aware of the consequences of keeping a secret such as this from her, so he wouldn't hold his hand through it. 

"i d-don't know wh-what y-you want me t-t-to talk to you a-ab-about, phil," dan huffed, tugging at his hair. "i don't-t have a-a-anything to s-say. i-i'm fine, ev-v-everything is-s f-fine."

phil sighed, pulling dan's hands from his hair and holding them at his sides. "you may think i'm not observant, daniel. but i know this is bothering you. your stutter is getting worse, and that happens when you're upset. just like your stutter disappears completely when you're fired up,"

dan closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing. damn you, phil lester. why can't you be the heartless asshole you were when i was with corey?

"i know you're upset for many reasons. i know there's your father, and there's corey, and there's reagan. and i'm sorry because of that. but i'm not going to be a distraction from things that need to be dealt with."

"s-so you expect me t-to-to just f-fix my re-rel-relationship with-th my f-father? and with c-co-corey? h-how do y-you suggest i deal with r-reagan, when sh-she won't-t ev-ev-even accept-t my a-ap-apologies?" dan's voice steadily grew louder.

"i'm not expecting you to fix your relationship with your father by any means." phil stated calmly. "he's an asshole and he doesn't deserve your respect. but he isn't a problem you can hide from. you need to tell him how you feel, preferably in a more civilized way than before. and corey is hurting just as much as you. he loved you, and you showed him you didn't love him in the worst way possible," the words stung dan, but he knew they were true. "you need to let him know that he isn't to blame for you cheating on him. let him know you don't want there to be any hard feelings. he's a good guy despite what happened."

dan stared down at his feet, scuffing them on the tile of the bathroom. he hated that phil was right; he hated just how right he was. 

"and reagan," phil sighed again. "reagan is devilishly stubborn. i know that, you know that, she definitely knows that. but she's just as sensitive as you, if not more. she's going to need some time to process what i told her. just let her know that you love her, and you're willing to to explain in greater detail whenever she's wiling to listen."

dan's fingers tightened around phil's. he really hated him.

"i hate you," he whispered.

a soft smile ghosted across phil's lips. "i'm sure you do,"

he leaned down to catch dan's lips with his own, and dan's eyes dropped shut immediately. he kept his fingers laced with phil's, but only squeezed them tighter. dan really hated phil, but a bigger part of him really liked him. 

a buzzing from dan's pocket broke them away, making dan roll his eyes. he disconnected one of his hands from phil's and pulled his phone from his pocket. the bubble on his screen made his blood run cold.

"dan, are you alright?" phil asked, concern clear in his voice.

dan quickly unlocked his phone and opened the message. tears sprung to dan's eyes and his hands trembled as he read it. his phone fell to the bathroom floor, dan following quickly after.

"oh my god, dan! what the hell happened, what's wrong?" phil dropped to his knees beside dan, holding dan's face in his hands.

dan's eyes shifted to his phone laying on the ground beside him. a hot tear pilled over and ran down his cheek, hitting phil's thumb. phil followed his eyes, seeing the phone was still unlocked. picking up his phone slowly, he read the message displayed on the screen.

unknown number:
it's good to be home, isn't it dan? 


anyways hello! i made that rant book i was talking about in the last chapter, so feel free to check that out!! ask me lots of questions, i will be answering them in the comments !!!

also go check out my actual irl friend @/dancinghobi. she deleted all her stories cause she's a drag but the bitch is my best friend and deserves love. maybe leave her a message or two on her profile!!

okay bye i love u guys sm and i'm sorry this chapter was not very good

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