Chapter 5🌟Break-Up Party🌟

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❝ New Day brings New possibilities, New opportunities and New happiness and Love.

Celebrate Small Victories, Coz Many Small Victories Give Birth To The Biggest One You Were Waiting For...

We can't live the Past, we can't forget the Past, we wait for the Future, we can't predict the Future....
So, all we have is the Present...
We Not Live It, Enjoy It & Make Memories... ❞



" No, Please don't leave me here. I need you. Please, stop hurting me. I love you. Please don't shut me in. "

He slapped her tight. Blood oozing out. Swollen redden eyes and face with cuts and countless bruises. She thought she'd married a prince but who knew he was beast in disguise.

A beast she promised to love.

" You are a pathetic woman. I hate you." He jerked her away, kicking her in the stomach and tied her up to the edge of the bed. She was struggling and shouting. But no one was there to hear her cries, to free her from the life she chose. All that was heard was the bang of the door and fading pleads.

" Help me... Please..."

With a jerk, I woke up again. It was the fourth in a week I was having these nightmares. I never remember who the woman or the man was.
There's just pain and suffering, a lot of it. Sweat was dripping down like rain water from a window pane. Sometimes, they were so worse that I woke up crying. These nightmares have made my night a hell. No matter how hard I try not to think about it, they are just like an adamant boomerang. Coming back and striking hard.

I washed my face with cold running water. Later, I stood in my balcony, just letting the breeze sooth me.
It was only 6 am and the sun was way below the horizon. Its mid-October and the rolling hills of the state are covered mainly with hardwoods that turns orange and red during the fall. The temperature is cool yet warm.

Sleeping wasn't an option anymore. I took a nice warm shower and got into a light blue knee length dress, letting my hair down. The dress was a gift from Dad. On the days I missed his presence, the dress helped in ways.

It was an easy start for the day. I was pretty much hopeful that with a little or no help from Kush, I could plan on the proceedings.

Tara was fast asleep when I checked on her. I had an apple and a glass of milk. I left a sticky note with a cheerful message on the kitchen table for Tara. It's always fun to read them.

The morning air seemed apparently fresh now. It was 7:30 by the time I reached my bus-stop. I saw some cute little children holding their mothers' hand, waiting for their School Bus to arrive. Other people were either running late for work or catching up with friends after a workout session. Some were having a coffee at the corner joint. The morning was busy yet cheerful. It gave good feeling and positive vibes. I waited for my bus as the serene wind calmed my mind.

I smiled at the driver as I boarded the bus. We were acquainted now. It's weird that how fast some people become a part of our life in a new foreign city.

I noticed that today the old lady next to whom I usually sit was missing. She was a nice, sweet person who worked as a cashier at a coffee shop. I never asked her name yet we knew about each other. Perhaps, she had missed the ride or I'm before time. Her absence was disturbing and I realised that it was first time in so many months, I was sitting all alone with my blurry thoughts.

The freshness of a new day with a good morning, I felt like something good will happen. But then I remembered Kush. Nothing good can happen if he is around. Yet, I hope for the best.

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