Chapter 23🌟 New Reality🌟

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❝ No matter how much ever you say, Past Stays In The Past, Today is The New Reality but it's easier said than Felt!

Yet, everyday we live a New Reality, putting up with an imperfect past towards an uncertain future... Admist this love happens... ❞



Surprised, astonished and bewildered. Her face was more than these three emotions.
She didn't expect me to be the first person she'll bump into as soon as she entered the room.

Well, she had to. It was meant to.

" I'm sure you skipped your breakfast to be here." I brought in a tray. She was still standing.

It had scrambled eggs, brown bread and beacon along with steaming hot coffee. I was starving and I'm sure so was she. I sat taking my plate. I pushed the other one towards her.

" Meera... There's no point in chairing a meeting with an empty stomach. It leads to inefficiency. C'mon... It's delicious." I had started munching already.

" I thought we were gonna have an professional introduction. That's the reason you called me early, isn't it? " She sat down leaving a gap of two chairs. She sipped her coffee.
From her expression I knew that it was just as she loved.

Milky warm with 2 cubes of sugar.

" Naah! We have no secrets. I just wanted to have breakfast with you." She didn't reply anything.

" How are your parents?" I asked after a while.

" Shouldn't be a topic of your concern?" She snapped. I clenched my fists. I was just trying to make a conversation.

" We aren't strangers after all. "

" Of course we are. We are barely acquainted as a matter of fact." She's tougher than I thought she will be.

" Fine... If you are acting like this then I can be worst. But, Meera remember one thing..." I stood up taking my plate.

" I know I had made a mistake. I think I have apologized enough. I have suffered enough... "

" So... Are you here to justify yourself?"

" Yes. I owed you one, but you didn't wait to hear it. But, no. That time has passed. I'm not here to explain shit."

" Good! We are good that means. So, starting from now I shouldn't be concerned about your professional behaviour because what you did today, calling me before the meeting isn't professional. " I don't think this conversation will let any one of us finish our coffee.

" It's upto you. I can't speak for your thoughts. There is one thing I need you to know that I'm sorry for what happened and I've... "

" Kush... Please. If you say you've been punished and you've suffered and you've done your redemption and all that shit than I'm sorry. You're not getting any sympathy from me. Because whatever did happen, happened to both of us. If you were hurting, then what about me? " Each time her voice rose I felt she'll break down like she used but she didn't. And then my emotions got the better of me. They always did.

" What about you? All you did was to flee away. You couldn't even face me. Just because I lied. Just because you thought you could never fall in love with anyone, but you did. I made you fall in love with me. Didn't I? You were so arrogant and adamant that you didn't even think of your friends... " I stopped.

" Kush... Why did you return? " She asked with a sigh after a moment.

" Is this some sort of payback thing then I'm not in any mood to be a part of this. If you're here to tell me all this then let it out and leave. If you're here to prove that you are a better person a saint, with a bigger heart and I'm the monster who fled away because you played with my feelings, which of course was nothing then be my guest. I'm sorry. " I was in awe.

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