Chapter 33🌟 Blame🌟

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❝  Blame is a devil in disguise, it's as translucent as it can be clear.
Once a Blame Game begins, an end is something that none can fathom. ❞



" She's signed her life off on a suicide mission..."

" You gotta be kidding me, Alan... I'm in no mood for jokes. "

" You think I'm joking then you're the biggest Idiot of the century." He said. His tone wasn't as if he was kidding.

" Look, You need to come back here. ASAP. I mean it... " He continued.

" Alan! I know Meera maybe upset but I didn't do nothing. If you're calling me to beat the shit out of me then I'm telling you I'm not coming... Not today, not tomorrow, never...."

" Kush... You think too high for yourself. I'm not calling you like crazy so that I can punch you. It's Meera. She needs you. " Well, I was surprised.

" I didn't expect hearing this from you. But, I'll tell you. You won. She doesn't love me. So, I won't be coming to trouble her more. She's all yours... " I was about to hang up.

" Kush... Don't hang up... " He shouted and I could hear through the cell.

" She's resigned... "

" Yeah! I know. Honestly, I don't care... " I said.

" Yes! You do. You really think I'm kidding. I never won. I never could Coz she loved you before, she still loves you and she's never stopping." It was a dramatic pause.

" I can't express how much happy I must feel hearing this, Alan. But it's not true. She's upset and she needs your comfort."

" I broke up with her... " He said.

" W-what? Why... "

" Kush, as much as you knew from the beginning I knew it too. I was just a distraction. But could never love me. With you being close or with you being thousands of miles away. "

" How can you do that? I so despise you right now. She needed you and you left her all alone... " I felt like punching him right through the phone.

" We were never really together. I liked her, I still do but I don't think I can love her as much as you do. I can't wait for her a lifetime. You asked me to have faith in my love for her, but all I had were insecurities. I had faith in your love more than I did in mine. It's nothing that I regret about, Kush. It's just that it's your Stars than mine that want you to be together."

" Alan... I don't think Meera wants the same. She has pushed me away. "

" She's not in her sane mind since she returned. She has left her job, the thing that she enjoyed doing the most. She doesn't eat. Whenever I meet her she doesn't wanna talk. The entire morning she's sleeping and in the evenings she's at a bar... "

" What? She's been drinking? "

" More than she's ever done in her lifetime... "

" What are you doing? Enjoying watching her get drunk? " I was definitely panic struck.

" You think she's easy to handle. She doesn't really stop. She's have had supplies at her house and she's never at the same place. I've to look around the city to finally find her. I take her home and then she sleeps asking me to leave. I don't think she's had a proper meal since a week. She's looking fragile, not physically but mentally too... "

I stood speechless.

" Kush... She just needs you. Trust me..."

" Alan... "

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