Chapter 38 🌟Gone🌟

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❝ Every step we take away from someone we truly cherish is a dreadful stab in our heart, but alas once we go returning is never so easy...

It's a soul lost, gone forever... ❞



" Running away again, are we?" It was a familiar husky tone, same pitch as Kush's but it wasn't his.

It was his father's.

I turned around slowly, wiping my tears.

" S-sir..." I stopped. If I said anything more I'd break, break into a million smaller pieces.

" Meera, it's okay. Vexation isn't an emotion I'm harbouring right now. It is not your fault. But if you are taking the blame, that is all on you. " That's the nicest and the most comforting thing anyone has said to me in the last 46 hours. But, unfortunately, it's not true. He needs to upset, angry and furious coz it's definitely my fault. Only my fault that his son is fighting a battle that was never his to be fought in the first place.

I looked behind him to check whether the rest of the party was here as well.

" It's just me. Everyone else is resting." He got me.

" Kush is out of danger. So, this news has been relaxing so I asked them to leave while I stayed back. They will be back in the morning. I knew you'd come. Let's talk." We sat on the bench nearby.

I didn't dare utter a word, except for those sniffs. It was as if I was all mute and dumb.

" Meera, I know it's been difficult and complicated for you. Getting over a troubled past isn't easy. " I looked at him.

Did he know?

" Kush told me. " He explained.

" There is a saying which we can use for a time like this, Let bygones be bygones. We can't change what has happened but we can surely change what can happen. It is time that we slowly let go of that burden which hauls us in an abyss and move towards a promising future. It's not easy to forget but at least we can try to accept it. "

" I-I've moved on. I accept it but I-I'm not right for him. Every time we're together things tends to mess up. I'm jinxed. No one can live in peace with me. " It was for the first time I said that to anyone in specific.

" It's all in here. Our devious little mind. It's the devil in there. You've to accept the fact that that unfortunate event wasn't your fault. Once you do that all the other things next in line will fall in places where they are supposed to land. Trust me. Running away isn't a wise option. It never is."

" Kush is never stopping." He continued after a pause.

What does he mean?

" You run again, he will find you again. It's a cycle you see. Until you wait for him and start over. " He wants me to stay but I've made up my mind.

" He has to stop. I've decided... "

" I'm afraid Meera, that is not only your decision to make." He interrupted.

" Kush has a say too. "

" Sir, I don't understand. No one is happy. I've ruined my family and I don't intend to ruin yours. This is the only option foreseeable that is left. You need to make Kush stop. Tell him I never visited. I don't love him... "

" But you said you do... " He's equally difficult like his son.

" Sir, this is for the best.... "

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