Chapter 25🌟You Know... 🌟

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❝ Somethings are better known than said.
They are beautiful that way. And On some days, Connections deem more important than Actions.❞



It was an expected reaction.

" What? Tara and Paul got married?" I packed my bag and headed out. She followed me. Ignored questions are more like a dagger than the unanswered ones.

" Didn't I say, you missed a lot. About 2 years ago..." I said casually. When I turned back there were tears in eyes.

" Meera?" I said. She looked at me.

" C-Can I come?" She asked.

" Of course... They would love to see you." I meant what I said.

She smiled and I knew it was her moment now. I was glad she was ready to take a step back in being social.

We quickly got in the car and I handed her my cell.

" Speed Dail 1..." She looked at me, confused.

" Your mom?" She asked dialling and I smiled. It's a surprise!

" Sir, What can I do for you? " It was on the speaker.

" Tom, To the hospital now..." I said.

" On my way..." He hung up.

I looked at Meera, she was staring at me, all in awe and bewilderment.

" What?"

" Tom? The one with the Maserati?"

" Of course, what did you think? He's my man. He's my right and my left hand and besides I rarely call my parents. They also rarely do coz they are..."

"... Busy." She completed me.

I nodded again.

" Meera, you never told me how your parents were? " I asked after some moments.

" Hhmm... They are good. " It was a quick reply, as if not wanting to talk about them more.

" Okay... "

" Why did you call Tom? "

" He's bringing the gifts I bought some weeks ago for the baby. I just want them to feel special. One of the prime reason is that, I'm the Godfather... " I winked and then I realised that I shouldn't have said that.

Damn You, Kush...

But, why damn me. I'm a proud Godfather and I'm so so happy.

" It's alright, don't curse yourself... " I think she saw me pressing my lips together.

" You deserve it. No one would be a better Godfather than you. "

" Really? You mean it? To tell you, I was so tensed when Paul told me about it. Initially, I thought his decision to become a father was a hasty one... But then..."

" But then... What?" She pressed me to talk more. She wants to know what she's missed and I would be happy to fill her in.

" He told me that there's no right time, ever. Either to get engaged or to get married or to be a father. It's time when it's time. The look in his eyes told me he was so damn ready and so was Tara. They couldn't have been happier and so was I." I don't know why I was feeling so proud, but I did.

" Kush, you are gonna be the coolest Godfather the baby would ever have. Not because you're Paul's best friend but because you're so damn ready for it... " I laughed.

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