Chapter 8🌟Shooting Star🌟

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❝ Some People Occupy Your Mind, Some Your Hearts...
But, Those You Have Your Dreams Occupied Are The Ones You May Want To Be With Forever 😇 ...

Nothing is more beautiful than spending a night beneath the blanket of twinkling stars, with hands intertwined and heads with that one special person. ❞



I definitely think that not accepting Kush's help was a terrible mistake. I acted like a foolish stubborn jerk. Now, I don't have a ride home while the watch is crawling towards 9:10 pm. It's darker, creepier and lonely. Out of 5 street lights on a 10 meter distance, 2 weren't working. I'm walking baby steps now. I can't even ask for a lift, coz to ask for one I need to have one coming my way. I've standing, walking, half sprinting for over 45 minutes. I wished that I had asked for a lift to the 3 cars which passed by and now God's punishing me for Kush's goodness or courtesy can be a better word.

My house is about an hour away on a bus ride. There's no way I can walk my way. Our University is located in deep woods if I daresay coz I'm so angry and tired and hungry. All I see is a one way concrete road with vast endless landscape with shrubs and bushes stretched on both sides of the road. I see a few scattered houses in the wilderness. They can be my last resort but I've high hopes in Tara.

Yeah! Where the hell is Tara?

I called her about 20 minutes ago. She said she'll pick me up in 30.
Hump! I'm getting dizzy now.

Calm down, Meera.

I ordered my restless mind. It helps. She said she'll come in 30 minutes I need to be patient enough.

It's weird, after sulking and ignoring the entire day Kush was ready to drop me. He's considerate.

My bag was heavy and walking was tiring. I pulled out my bottle from the side pocket of my bag as I took a sharp right turn. I had finally reached the junction. It's better to wait for Tara here. My metal bottle weighed surprisingly light. I just hope...

It's empty...

I felt like crying now. There's only one shop around the junction which already had it's shutters down. I'm pretty sure the old man is already in his cozy home sipping tea while I'll die of thirst. I dumped my bottle into the bag.
Oh! I so wish to be home.

I paraded horizontally through the deserted road hoping to hear the revving of Tara's car anytime soon. Until I saw a spark of light in the sky. In a second's time, from the corner of my eyes I saw a mixed hue of bright yellow and sparkling silver crave a curve on the mundane sky. I lifted my head to a find a shooting star moving swiftly like a fire on acetone. Leaving a tone of blue colour and an enchanting feeling in one's mind. There's no wish to ask.
It's mesmerising, alluring and one can watch it for hour until it just disappears in few fraction of seconds leaving the prolonged memory.


A loud and deafening horn blarred in my ears as I turned 90° to find its source when a strong beam of white light pierced my eyes, making my blind seconds which converted to minutes. I blocked my vision with my arms until I left someone pull me.

Am I being kidnapped?

" AAhhhhh!!.... " The shout was involuntary.

I still had my hands against my eyes when I felt strong hands around my waist lifting me up, not entirely though. But, I was too much traumatized to react or to defend. With my eyes tight shut I grabbed that person, supposedly my kidnapper's shirt. I felt a drag.
I was still clutching his shirt, with my head buried deep in chest. My eyes are over sensitive for that matter.

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