Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I'll see you at lunch sweetie. Thanks for the company." Allen playfully said when we reached my classroom. I murmured a thank you and went inside the classroom. All eyes were on me. They looked like the emojis with question marks.

I know their questioning looks. It has to do with Allen taking me to class and calling me sweetie. OMG he called me sweetie twice today!! I could do a happy dance if only I were at home.

I know my classmates were curious why I was with Allen. But no one got the chance to ask, since our Physics teacher was right behind me. The class started and a lively discussion followed. Our teacher's sense of humor always kept my interest high in his class, but not today. I feel like being lost in space. I didn't understand anything. Allen's handsome face taunted my imagination. Good thing Mr. Ledesma was so engrossed in his discussion that he didn't notice me not paying attention.

My seatmate Laila was throwing me glances. I know she's dying to ask me about Allen. But was too afraid to be caught talking by our teacher knowing that he would not hesitate to reprimand in front of the entire class. That would be very humiliating. And I was grateful for that because I don't feel like answering her. I don't even understand why all of a sudden Allen seemed so interested in me. Yeah right, why me?!

But silently my heart is celebrating because of all the girls, I get to spend recess with the campus heartthrob. Now I'm floating an inch above cloud nine! I can't wait for lunch to come,  so I could go home and curl up in bed and recall how Allen's tantalizing eyes turn my knees into jelly.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Last period has just ended. I gathered my things and waited for Janine. We went out of the classroom together. I was taken aback when a hand grabbed my left arm.

"What the..." I wasn't able to finish what I was about to say when I came face to face with the owner of the hand. My throat went dry and the butterflies in my stomach did some flips.

"Let's go sweetie," Allen said without letting go of my arm. Then he winked at Janine and said, "I'll keep her company today, if you don't mind."

Janine was also surprised with what Allen said. She just nod and left without saying a word leaving me rooted in the lobby, nervous and tensed. As much as I wanted to leave,  I couldn't since Allen is still holding my arm while he was talking to one of my male classmates. Once he's done,  he turned to me and smiled that close up worthy smile.

"Are you hungry? Let's go grab some lunch before I take you home."

"Nn--no I'm not really hungry." I stammered my reply without looking at him.

"Oh come on sweetie it's twelve, you must be hungry. It's my treat! We're celebrating remember?"

"Celebrating again? But we already celebrated earlier." I bashfully answered.

"Still, I insist! Let's go!"

And he held me towards the stairs. I wanted to protest but I don't want to make a scene. My classmates were staring at us and some were even throwing questioning glances. I wanted the floor to swallow me. I never wanted so much attention and now almost all eyes were on me, I mean on us. Waaaa this is so not happening!

Until we reached the gate, Allen was still holding my arm somehow afraid that if he would let me go, I would run away. Once outside the gate, he let go of my arm and his hand went to the small of my back guiding me through the crowd of students. I never said anything, too afraid to speak and end up squeaking. He too didn't say a word until we reached the entrance of Jollibee which is along the school campus.

"What would you like to have Ella?"

"Chicken joy meal and pineapple juice. I'll find us a table."

Not long after, Allen came with our orders. On his way to our table, girls my age were staring at him. Even in school uniform, he looked so appealing and breathtakingly handsome. No wonder why girls are openly flirting with him.

"Here's your order sweetie. I took the liberty to order you a sundae as well. Let's eat!"

OMG! How can I swallow with this cutie right in front of me. The butterflies in my stomach are doing somersaults. How can I be so lucky eating lunch with my ultimate crush? Thanks heavens for this opportunity, I feel like swooning. And if this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up!

I'm hungry yet I couldn't eat well. My eyes kept on drifting to the guy in front of me who kept on flashing his mesmerizing smile. While we eat, he casually made small talks. His humor eventually made me feel a little at ease. I wanted to ask why he's being nice to me, but I couldn't make myself formulate coherent statements. So I just enjoy the moment.

After lunch, he wanted to take me home,but I told him that he didn't have to. He actually insisted, but I pleaded. So eventually he gave in and just accompanied me at the jeepney stop.

Once I boarded the jeep, I felt so relieved. I was so afraid that he would really take me home and my parents will find out. My parents were very strict, they didn't want me to go into a relationship while still in school. And if I did, they will no longer send me to school. This has to do with what my elder brother had done. On his first year in college he eloped with his girlfriend who got pregnant. My parents were so furious and they ended up shackling me to their tight rules. I'm a girl and they're too afraid that I might have the same plight.

{Hello lovelies,
Thank you for the love. You truly made me one happy woman! Each vote you gave me means a lot. So keep on voting and keep on sharing this story with your friends. Now tell me what you think about Ella and Allen. 😍}

PretTilay 👸

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