Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

It's been hours since Allen left, but still my heart kept on palpitating. My mind just won't stop and it kept on replaying everything he told me. Should I confront my father? And then what? Will that change anything? It's all in the past. I could no longer go back. I can't change anything even with a confrontation. My father probably has his reasons. He doesn't want me to be like my brother. Maybe if not for what he did, I won't be where I am today. I should even be grateful. I have succeeded and evolved into a better version of myself at the expense of breaking my heart. It's the price I have to pay. There is no need to feel remorseful about it. That's how life works. We lose some, we win some. Sometimes, a heartbreak is a blessing. I should look at it that way.

I asked Kat to sleepover. I'd lose my mind if I'll keep all these to myself. She immediately came straight from a party she was attending. Worry is written all over her face when she saw how I look. My hair is everywhere, eyes are puffy and bloodshot.

"Oh my god, what happened?" She engulfed me in a tight hug. And then fresh new tears started to fall.

I stayed in her embrace for more than five minutes without saying anything. I just cried my heart out. She didn't say anything either. This is what I like about her. She definitely knew just what I need. She rubbed my back trying to soothe me. Her gentle and comforting touch pacified me. When I was able to detached myself from her, I told her everything.

"Whew! I honestly don't know what to say, gurl. But at least, now you know the truth."

"Should I be happy about it?"

"Well, not exactly happy... Because it surely hurt. But isn't it a relief to find out that he didn't stop caring?"

"I know right. But do you think we can still go back to the way we were?"

"Of course! You still have feelings for him, right?"

I was silent. Do I still feel the same?

"I'm not sure.. But I think so, because I still feel nervous around him. He still has the same effect on me whenever he's near."

"Then, there's your answer. Don't trouble yourself too much. You've been hurting for too long."

"B-but do you think things will work out this time?"

"That I do not know. But if you and him will make it work, of course it will."

"But what about Joel?"

Yeah right, what about him? Do I have the heart to break his heart?

"Oh, and what about him? Don't tell me that you have feelings for him?"

"Kat, he's been very sweet and nice since we made up. And I can't just turn him down."

"But you will only hurt him more if you will make him believe that he has a chance when it's crystal clear who you want."

She has a point. But how am I going to tell him? If Allen hadn't come, then I might give Joel a yes once he returned from Manila.

I didn't sleep well even when my eyes are so swollen from all the crying. I've been thinking until I dozed off, but I didn't come up with a decision. It's just so hard to decide when whatever decision you're going to make, someone will get hurt. Am I willing to hurt that someone so I can have my happily ever after? Can I be selfish this time?


That was my dilemma five months ago. It took me several sleepless nights to finally decide.

Since that day when he revealed everything, Allen sees to it to visit me everyday. There were even times when he and Joel would come at the same time. The tension between them was so palpable. Good thing, I have Kat to lighten the mood and break the tension. She's been hanging around in my place often.

"Ella, let's start all over again. We have wasted five years already." Allen once told me in one of his visits.

"But what if it won't work this time?"

"We will make it work. You see, our love has just taken a detour, but it has still reached its destination. After five long years, it has found us again which only proves that we are truly destined to be with each other. No matter how many detours it had taken for the last five years, but still it has found its way to us. To reunite us. So, stop holding back."

He's right. It's like riding on the right bus which didn't make it right away to its destination because it had taken detours due to some circumstances. And on one fateful day, I finally took the risk of riding the same bus with him, willing to take many detours as long as we are with each other. I let go of whatever is holding me back. I took all the courage to tell Joel that my heart has finally found its home. I thought he's not going to take it well, but he has proven me how brave he is in accepting defeat. It pained me to break his heart, but I'd also end up breaking mine if I won't choose the one that my heart wants. He told me that he will gracefully take his exit.

And true to his words, he moved out from Tower V. He said that it's his way of moving on. I perfectly understand. I just hope that when he has moved on, we can be friends.

"Yes." I whispered.

"You mean yes as in yes?" Allen was jubilant about what he had just heard.  And wanted to confirm it.

"Yes as in YES!" I smiled. My face heated, but I can't conceal my happiness.

He hugged me tight and whispered sweet nothings that sent chills down to my spine. That was how I accepted him when I finally decided to continue the journey with him.

I know that we still have a very long way to go, but we have a lifetime together. The ride won't be smooth as always. There's also a possibility of detours, but as long as we have each other, we will endure every obstacle.


Playground demonstration of all my PE classes during the opening day of the school intramurals. I was so busy running to and fro to ensure that there everything will go as planned.

A large crowd was gathered around the open field of the school where the playground demonstration was held. There was even a media coverage which I didn't expect. Drones were flying and live feeds on social media were making a noise according to my colleague which I didn't pay too much attention. I just want this to be over so I could relax.

Glynn's department was the last to perform. My excitement soared higher knowing that a few minutes from now, my hard work will be a success. But all of a sudden in the middle of their practiced routine, I've noticed some changes. They now formed a pyramid and the school's cheerleaders have joined them. They are definitely doing a different routine than what has been rehearsed. What are they doing? I wasn't informed of their last minute changes. I stormed in front where they can visibly see me.

And then a banner was held by the cheerleaders. The sun was blaring, I wasn't able to see clearly what was written on the banner when a familiar voice spoke on the microphone.

I looked at the banner again and my jaw has literally dropped upon reading it, "YOU WILL MARRY ME, MISS ELLA PEREZ."

And the man on the microphone is no other than Allen my loves! Then a drone came between us, Allen took the pouch hanging on the drone and revealed a sparkling diamond ring. He then held my hand and slipped the ring.

I was speechless the whole time. It was only when the crowd cheered that I was able to recovered from my stupor. I was so embarrassed that I hid my face on his chest and hugged him tight.

The crowd went wild and shouted, "KISS! KISS! KISS!"

And so we sealed the deal with a kiss.


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