Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Monday came so swiftly. I've become so anxious about the coming interview with Joel Ramirez. I mean the issue is not him...but what if Ella would be there too? Nah I should not think of her while doing my job.

Around eleven I was already at the venue of the presscon, the City Sports Club. There were already reporters littering around chattering. Once the Cebu Stars entered the venue and occupied their seats in front, the presscon started. There were so many questions asked but most of them were directed to Ramirez. He's that popular huh? I should have known.

"Mr. Ramirez, how true that you're dating someone who is out of your league?" I suddenly became alert upon hearing that question from a reporter. I looked at the composed appearance of Ramirez.

"Whether it's true or not, it should not concern anybody else since I'm single and I can date who I choose to be with." Was his witty response which sounds so convincing.

There were other questions thrown at him, but I no longer paid any attention since I'd interview him later. I looked around and scanned the venue if Ella is with him. I was grateful that she's nowhere in sight. At least I'd be at ease during the one on one interview later.

Finally the presscon was done. Lunch was served. I picked on my food. I can't wait for this interview to be over.

It was only our company which was granted a one on one interview with the hard court hot shot Joel Ramirez. Therefore, I'm expected to gather as many information as I can. I shouldn't fail. So I buried my personal issue with Ramirez at the farthest corner of my mind.

"Hello, Mr. Martinez...pardon if I kept you waiting. I had to take care of a few calls."

"It's alright. I didn't wait that long. So, can we start?"

"Thank you. Okay let's get started."

Ramirez looked so cool and collected. No trace of uneasiness, which only proves that he's used to interviews.

I was about to fire the first question when his cellphone vibrated. He took it from his jeans pocket and checked the caller. He then looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry but I really have to take this call." So I nodded and motioned for him to go ahead.

"Hello sweetheart, are you done with your class? I'm at the City Sports Club for an interview. Have you eaten your lunch?"

I couldn't help but pay attention to his phone conversation. I have a feeling that he must be talking to Ella. There's a different gleam in his eyes as he converse with her. Are they a couple now? Suddenly, I feel so uneasy. I might be running into conclusions, but I can't help it.

"I'll see you later. What time do you get off? I'll fetch you then. Bye beautiful! Mwah.."

Hearing what he said, my heart hammered wanting to get out of its cage. Damn this feeling! Argh..not now!

"Sorry about the interruption, I just can't resist talking to her." Joel explained blushing a little with what he said.

It's quite obvious that he has some affections for "her." But I'm hoping that my hunch is wrong. It could be someone else. Knowing Ramirez who is very popular with women.

"No probs. I perfectly understand. Now shall we?"

"Yes go ahead. I'm all for it." Joel replied confidently.

The call had somehow lifted his good spirits a few notches up. Whoever that was must be someone special. He looked so inspired.

"What brought you to Cebu Stars?" Came the first question.

"The manager and the team coach were scouting for players while I was in Manila playing for small leagues. They saw my potentials and brought me here."

"Don't you have any doubts of relocating yourself here in Cebu?"

"None at all. I've always loved it here. My family used to live here when I was still in grade school. So it's just like coming home."

"Your instant rise to fame is phenomenal, how did you take it?"

"Well, it's something I'm still not used to. But I'm getting there. I enjoy being with people so it's not really something that bothers me."

"If you're not a basketball star, what career would you be pursuing?"

"I'd probably be working alongside my father in our construction firm."

"You graduated from La Salle right? What did you take up?"

"Civil Engineering. I actually have a license." He said it casually without a hint of boasting. this guy is not just all good looks and basketball talent. I hate to admit it, but I'm really impressed.

"Wow, that's really an accomplishment! Very impressive." I wasn't able to help myself from complimenting him. I really mean it.

"How long do you see yourself playing?"

"Maybe while I'm still young. Basketball is not forever. New young players will eventually come."

"So, does it mean you'd practice your profession then?"

"Most likely. I might also invest and start up my own firm. You know putting into use the degree I've worked so hard to achieve."

"That sounds like a good plan. What about having your own family? Do you consider the thought of settling down anytime soon?"

"Hahaha...that's a hard one! But yes, I do see myself as a family man though not really soon. But on the other hand, if she's up for it...then why not?"

There's that gleam again. Somehow when he talks about her his expressions would soften and his eyes would sparkle for a split second.

"If she's up for it...So you mean to say you're in a serious relationship right now? Who is this she that you're talking about?"

I feel a shiver ran down my spine upon realizing what I've just asked him. I was on the edge of my chair anxiously waiting for his response. Is he going to mention her name? I could hear the erratic pounding of my heart.

"Hmmm..for now I'd like to keep it to myself. I'm a bit selfish to share her to the public. I hope you understand." He sounded apologetic. I felt his sincerity. I did not prod him to elaborate.

I guess, I wasn't also ready to hear his answers. I shifted to his career-related questions and then wrapped up our conversation. I offered him my hand for a handshake.

"Thank you for answering my questions and for your time."

"My pleasure bro!" He said with a wide grin as he accepted my hand and shook it firmly.

"Excuse me gentlemen...ahm Mr. Ramirez, a woman is looking for you. I told her to wait at the lobby." A personal assistant said upon entering the door.

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