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"Jagiya~ lets go on a date this Saturday after work." Jungkook asked me as he hugged me closer. "I'll if you do the dishes today." I said with a smirk. Jungkook pouted and leaned with his chin on my shoulder. "No your cute puppy face won't work." He sigh and gave me a lot of kisses on my cheek but he knows that I won't change my mind so he stood up and walked to the sink.

I smiled when I see him doing the dishes with a pouty face (he's just so cute) then I walked to jungkook and gave him a backhug "oke Saturday. What are you planning to do?" "Hmmm"

"That's a secret but let's meet at the cinema at 7 o'clock." .... Wauw jungkook "If it's a secret then you fail , it's obvious that we're going to watch a movie."  He chuckled " Who said that we are only going to watch a movie?" He dried his hands and turned around leaning against the sink and let his hands rest on my waist.

I looked him in the eyes and gave him a quick peck on the lips "I love you." He smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek, forehead, nose and finally my lips.

It is finally Saturday and I'm so exited. It's not like the first time me and jungkook go on a date but normally he doesn't want to go out.

It was 4:37pm when jungkook send me a text
Jk: Baby~ what re you doing now?
Me: Some paperwork, why? Miss me already?
Jk: yes! Can't we meet now?

Hmm it's not like I have to finish it today

Me: Oki:) where?

After a second my doorbell rang so is walked to the door and opened it revealing jungkook with a bunch of roses. I smiled when jungkook spoke" Hello miss Jeon, mr Jeon got you a bunch of roses hope you like it." You walked to him and gave him a tight hug "I love you so much u know?" He gave me a kiss on my head an added "I know."

After some chitchat jungkook got a call. "Hello?" I stood up and walked to the sink with our cups "wow ho stop what happened?" I looked at jungkook and saw that he was worried "son of a b*tch" I heard jungkook hiss under his breath with a angry face "now?" He glanced my way and then said " um yes of course, I'll be there in a minute."

He then stood up and walked my way. "Who was that?" I asked worried " Nana, the 'boyfriend' cheated. I'm so sorry baby but I have to go now." He was really in a rush but turned around before leaving" This won't be long so I'll see you tonight at the cinema."

*sound of door closing*

Again, when it comes to nana you're always in a rush. 

*sigh* I looked at the clock an saw that it was almost 6 o'clock I just sat on the sofa. 'Nana, the 'boyfriend' cheated. I'm so sorry baby but I have to go now.'

I know that Nana and Jungkook are just best friends since childhood but... I don't know why but I'm sad. "No! Don't think about it have a little confidence in Jungkook." With that I took a bath and prepared for the date.

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