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Jungkook pov

Areum said that she is going to take a drink while Nana asked the other girl true or dare "Um true." "Who is the most handsomest boy here?" The girl looked at the boys and then looked at me. "Jungkook oppa~" I could hear Yugyeom chuckle "okay my turn, Jungkook oppa true or dare?" "Dare of course"

"Gimme a kiss." She said it while smiling. I was quite in shock and didn't know if that was a good plan but then the boy with bunny ears say "Come on just give her a kiss. It's nothing big." I sighed and leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek but then the door closed pretty rough, I turned around but Areum was not in the room anymore 'maybe she is going to the bathroom.' I thought before continue the game.

After 3/4 rounds Areum still have not returned, I started to worry "Where is Areum?" Taehyung asked out of the blue but no one knows "Should I-" I cutted him of "I'm going to search for her." I stood up and was about to walk out but Nana was holding on to my hand "Just call her she's not a kid." She looked at me hoping that I'll stay "Just stay here with Yugyeom, I will be back soon. She looked really sad so I gave her a quick hug and went out to search for Areum.

I looked around the dance floor hoping to find Areum but only got some wrong/embarrassing moments with some girls. When I was about to give up and go back again I saw Taeoh. The stupid fckboy ex of Nana. I was going to ignore him but then I saw Areum.

Areum was holding his hands, it looked like she enjoyed the moment. Anger started to bull up and before I know I punched him on the jaw and he backed off "WTF DUDE."

"JUNGKOOK Why did you do that?! Are you crazy?!" I turned around irritated about her question "Me crazy?! You were the one who suddenly left and was walking with this fckboy." I glared back at Taeoh but I could feel that Areum was tugging on my sleeve "let's go. Jungkook! We need to talk! Private." Then I saw Taehyung walking towards us "I'll bring Nana home. Just go."

In the car

"Why were you so angry? Taeoh didn't do anything wrong... Jungkook, I'm talking to you." I just ignored Areum still pissed about the scene from before.

We were in front of Areum's house. But we both stayed silent in the car waiting for someone to speak. "Tell me Jungkook, why did you give Taeoh a stump? What did he do wrong" I turned to Areum really irritated by her question "What did he do wrong? That dude IS wrong, he is a fcking fckboy! He cheated Nana! She don't deserve all that sht! And now he is trying to get you."

"... Taeoh did not cheat on Nana. She misunderstood Bora and Taeoh, and he just wanted to dance with me cause YOU were flirting with some stupid slut." I looked at her slightly confused and mad but she just turned to the window not making any eye contact. "Woho what?! First I wasn't flirting with Nana! Second she isn't a stupid slut!" Why would she say that about Nana. I though that they were friends. Areum then snapped her head back, piercing her eyes in mine "Who said I was talking about Nana?!"

"Then who? Cause I've no clue who you're talking about." I tried to calm down and not let my anger dominate me. "That girl next to Yugyeom. You kissed her." She said it almost in a whisper.

I leaned back in mine seat and closed my eyes for a second and though about the situation "Are you serious angry because I kissed a girl ON THE CHEEK for a damn truth or dare game? You're so childish. It didn't even mean anything. I bet you would've kissed that Taeboy if you got the chance." The calm me was gone in a second when I saw her with those boys again (Taehyung and Taeoh)

I could feel Areum's eyes looking at me angry "Of course not! He is my friend. I'm not like Nana and kiss a friend if I still have a boyfriend! That is so stupid and a dumb*ss move" anger rushed though my veins when she said that Nana is stupid "It's not a dumb*ss move! We were caught up in the moment! And Nana and I only kissed nothing more! Jesus, it is nothing big. I've known her for a long time and she won't lie about being-." Suddenly I realised what I just said and looked down at my hands hoping that it wasn't so bad as I though.

"Nothing big is if you accidentally bumped to someone. But this..." her voice was broken and it made me even sadder by the thoughts that I did this. I really wanted to look up and say that this all wasn't true but god knows what I have done. And it is wrong, so wrong...

Suddenly my phone started to ring and Nana's name popped up. I didn't know what to do but ignore her is the best that I can do but before I could do anything Areum spoke in such a sad voice that it could break me, no it did break me "I'll go now." She rushed out my car and went inside her house before I could do anything to stop her from leaving.

Stupid me. Why do I always have to say what is at first in my mind. If I just never kissed Nana, if I just never leaved her alone at the party... if I just didn't shout at her...
Will she then still be here in my car, happily talking about the party?

My phone started to ring again with Nana's name on it. This time i picked up and asked what was wrong. "Oppa~ can you pick me up at the usual cafe?" I looked at the window from Areum's house 'the lights are on'
"Huh wasn't that taeboy suppose to bring you home?" I then though about Areum and that taeboy together but quickly shook my mind to focus on the call

"I did not trust him to ride me to my house so I said that I'll stop here. I want you to pick me up."
(pick me pick me pick me up XD)
I sighed "alright I'll be there in a minute."

I took a last glance at Areum's house before starting the car and drove away

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