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I looked up and met with Jungkook's eyes, he looked shocked but also a slightly mad "Just leave me alone." I said it almost in a whisper and hurried to my room and locked it.

After spending hours in my room sobbing I decided to finally get up.
I unlocked the door but greeted with Jungkook sitting on the ground. He probably heard the door open and looked up with reddish eyes "Can you please-" before he finished saying what he was about to say, I slammed the door back close. Leaning with my head on it and breathing heavily.
'Why is he still here?!' I thought
I could hear shuffling from the other side and then a knock "Princess. Please I just want to talk to you."

I doubted a few seconds if I should open the door because of the pleadings but I just couldn't. He deserves to know how it feels to be ignored by the one you love.... or don't love? 'What am I to you Jungkook?' I thought and then slides down the door and sits on the floor, hoping he will go soon.

After awhile I heard some noises from the other side of the door and later I could smell a delicious smell. I could hear my stomach growling as I remember not haven eaten since yesterday.

I was slowly dozing off but then someone knocked on my door "Princess open the door, I made food for you. I know that you're hungry. Come out and eat please" I didn't make a sound. "Areum? I know that you can hear me." I just ignored him again "Talk to me please o-or make a sound so that I know that you're alive."

I could feel my heart raising but didn't move, still waiting till Jungkook was gone.
I could hear a deep sigh "If you want to be alone that bad then I will go okay? But please don't starve yourself. Call me, alright?" I hold my ear to the door listening if he really is going "I.... I will go know." I then heard footsteps slowly fading away and then the door open and close.

Me being paranoia waited 5 minutes longer to make sure that he was really gone. I stood up and slowly unlocked my door. When I opened it and looked around I didn't saw anyone. I took a step out of my room, being afraid that Jungkook will pop out of nowhere.
When I was sure that I was the only one in house, I walked to the kitchen.
The flowers were neatly placed in a vase and pasta on a plate. I took a seat and eat the pasta Jungkook made.

Like always it tasted HEAVENLY. The warmth crawled to my nose and made my nose run down. So while eating i was sniffing like crazy. When my stomach was satisfied with all the food i started to clean up. Yup i am cleaning the mess Jungkook made in my kitchen...

It was already night when i finisched cleaning up everything (i'm slow), i decided to go to sleep.

While laying in my bed i could finally relex and close my eyes. But after a while. I was still wide awake but this time not because of my thoughts but my damn nose.

I couldn't sleep cause it felt like a elephant was sitting on my nose. I tried to breath through my mouth but ended up coughing like a crazy grandma. "ugh shoot me!"

The next day I didn't do much, the worst is that I also didn't eat much. Everything felt useless and stupid. And everytime i tried to make something to eat, i will amost vomit by the smell of food. And no i am not pregnant, just having a bad cold and a bad night sleep.
Lucky me no one worries about me so I don't have to deal with people asking me thousands questions *cough Hyeri cough*

Well... she probably don't know what happened... yet... but if Taehyung told her about everything... she would probably be in jail now for trying to murder someone... and maybe for burning someone's pretty coconut hair.


My thoughts got interrupted by a message. I walked to the kitchen table with a heavy head and took my phone from the table but then started to hesitate 'What if it's Jungkook? I still don't want to talk to him...'

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