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Jungkook's  POV

Nana and I were dancing. She is back being her old self, i felt relieved. I just didn't get it why, would a someone cheat on her. Nana is one of the nicest person I know.

Suddenly a slow song came up. Nana hooked her arms behind my neck. I was at first really shocked but didn't mind it.
We smiled at each other but then I though about you. Why wouldn't you go with us. I know that you really like to dance "what's wrong?" Nana asked me worried. I just shook my head "nothing." And smiled at Nana

When I looked up behind Nana I saw you with a blank face. My smile also slowly faded away when I saw you talking to some boy. You then make your way to me but that boy was following you with his hands on you shoulder. I peeled Nana's arms off me walked your way. I don't know why but seeing his hands on your shoulder didn't feel right.

I took your wrist and drew you to me while placing my other hand behind your neck to close the space between us. When my lips landed on yours I could feel you tense up but soon released. "Jungko-" I cut you of and kissed you again but this time I deepened the kiss. After our make out session I glared at the boy.

"Jungkook why di-" "who is that" i cut you off with my question. You looked behind " Um Jungkook this is Taehyung, Taehyung this is-" "Jungkook the boyfriend" I placed my arm around you. "Annyeong." He said smiling.

Y/n prov

I could see that Jungkook was glaring at Taehyung so I wanted to light up the mood but before I could say anything I got distracted by a really annoying voice. "Oppa~"

Jungkook released his arm from me and turned to Nana "What's wrong?" "Yugyeom Oppa is searching for you but he is now upstairs waiting for us." Is saw that Jungkook nodded, he then turned back to me "you also come?" He asked me. I looked at Taehyung and he just gave me a smile "yea sure, Taehyung will also come right?" I looked at him pleased and he nodded.

We made our way upstairs to a room. When the door closed it was a lot quieter. I saw Yugyeom and some other people sitting on the sofa in a kind of circle. We just joined. "Huh Taehyung, how do you know those people?" Yugyeom asked. They started talking while I just looked around.

There was a tv, bar, a big window and some more sofas. In front of me was Yugyeom and behind him a fireplace, on the left side of him a boy with bunny ears then Nana then Jungkook then me. Next to me is Taehyung and next to him a boy and a girl who is in my opinion wearing too much lipstick.

I came back to life when I heard Jungkook calling for me "Areum-ah, do you also want to join true or dare?" He asked while rubbing my side. I saw everyone looking at me "um okay why not."

"Okay I start fist." Yugyeom said while looking at us. His eyes then landed on Taehyung "Taehyung, truth or dare?" "hmm dare." Yugyeom smirked at his choice "I dare you to-" he looked around and landed his eyes on a glass of alcohol " Drink that glass in one gulp. Taehyung stood up and did what he was told "ugh that was nasty." I then remembered that he has told me that he didn't like alcohol.

"Okay now is my turn. Nana truth or dare?" Taehyung asked Nana. "Truth." I could see that Taehyung was hard thinking about a good question "Have you ever kissed a friend?" Nana gave a quick look to Jungkook. My heart stopped for a second when the next few words came out her mouth "um yes, I have."

She didn't say that it is Jungkook but the feeling knowing that she could kiss a friend.... makes me worried. No I'm probably overthinking, this is a party I should relax more. I stood up and said that I'll take a drink. While making my way to the bar I could hear that they keep on playing the game.

When I looked back I saw Jungkook kiss the cheeks of the girl with too much lipstick. Anger and sadness rushed through my veins and I quickly got out of the room.

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