Chapter 15: Adrenaline rush

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It was the last day of week two of Camp Genius and we planned to have a revised version of "Capture The Flag".

"Haely! Mario! You two go grab the flags. We'll take it from here!" Flynn yelled from one end of the clearing while he and a few of our teammates were struggling against five other people from other teams which were trying to get to our flag.

Since I was in the red team, I might as well make full use of the meaning behind the color: powerful, dangerous, courageous. Therefore, you have yourself a war-machine Haely.

Anyway, the revised version of capture the flag was the additional water balloons, eggs and flour as distractions and also to mess up the members of other teams. The winner would be the cleanest, most flags collected and also able to keep their own flag. Thus, considered it as a timeout.

As of now, red, blue, black and green were the least messiest out of the twelve teams and also still had their own flag protected. However, green team was in the leading team of most flags collected and we came in second since we had the athletes and the brains in our team.

Sea of colors were everywhere as Mario and I were speeding off to other teams to grab their flags while they were distracted. First, we swiftly stole away the stash of green team's collected flags and their own flag while they were pushing off other team members. Other team members who were trying to pull off of plastic strip may had been added to our worry list, but the adrenaline rush had us maneuvering away from their grasp easily.

We both returned to our base which was now seen with more red teammates freed from the jail section instead of other colors just brought us more encouragement. I took my time to breathe and sprayed my inhaler since I was running a lot more than usual.

"Can you still continue, Haely?" Mario asked me while we were both panting heavily and sweating buckets of sweat.

"Yup," I panted out as I stood straight up before continuing, "But we gotta go like now. Two more flags to grab and we'll win."

We didn't say anything else seeing as the other teammates were now heading towards our base in big groups and we were off to grab two other flags: black and blue. Before leaving, we took ten others to follow us just in case.

We headed over to blue team's base first since they were located near the drama department. Good choice for attacking other teams but bad choice for protecting their own flag. We sneaked behind a bush nearby separately and looked out for every possible obstacle in our way.

"Now what?" I asked Mario since he was more of the brains than the athlete. For me, I was moderate for both.

"The coast is clear. Seven blues on guard duty but all are off for now. Four near the flag in compass style and they're athletic," He went black ops on me as he scanned the base.

"No sign of other colors but us," I informed him as I scanned our surrounding, "So, what's your plan?" I asked as worry leaked out of my voice.

"I believe we have no choice but to split up. I'll create the distraction; you grab the flag and run," Mario sighed and looked at me with determination.

"What?! No way I'm leaving you to be taken prisoner!" I whisper-exclaimed at him.

"Then what do you suggest?" He countered back but I open and closed my mouth like a fish.

"That's what I thought. I'll take three with me and the rest are yours to lead. It's been good to work with you, soldier," Mario spoke and patted my arm as he called three other random teammates to follow him.

I took over his previous hiding spot and watched him tell his plan to the other three. Within seconds, they went to four different directions to execute the plan. I saw Mario charging from his hiding place in surprise and the other three followed along as the blue team got caught by surprise.

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