* 15 * Hero

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Nightmares haunted the companions as they tried to get some much needed rest that evening. Screams still rang fresh in their ears and it was difficult to shake the awful feel of Moria off their weary bodies. Even in the safety of the Lothlorien forest with the wondrous stars above the men, dwarf, and elf of the Fellowship were restless.

Aragorn refused the company of anyone at this time but Legolas stayed near Boromir and Gimli who seemed to alternate staring at the ground and at the sky until Boromir broke the silence. “Without our wizard is there hope?”

Legolas looked at him unsure how to answer but Gimli added, “None of us know the secret way into Moria. We are taking these wee hobbits to their doom.”

“Without Ryker and her ability to disappear we cannot even hope to turn her and Frodo loose. We may be fighters but even you Legolas do not posses her ability to disappear without a trace.” Boromir said while looking at the ground and then he smiled and said, “Do you remember the look on Lord Elrond’s face at the council when she threw that knife? I don’t think he found her behavior very ladylike.”

Gimli and Legolas chuckled at the thought but soon fell silent for a few moments until Legolas looked to the east and stated, “Dawn is upon us.”

Boromir and Gimli looked only to see darkness and with the darkness, sorrow hit them harder than ever.

Gimli said, “She shouldn’t have died that way.”

“She deserved a more honorable death and ceremony. Not one in a horrible whole with monsters to defile her remains.”

The thought pained them even more but with the light of the red dawn coming in through the trees they were given a sudden surge or new strength and courage. Boromir was able to close his eyes as did Gimli while Legolas laid back and watched the new red sun rays pierce through the canopy until he heard the mixture of light sound of elves walking toward them along with something dragging the ground.

He quickly got to his feet and went to the place where Galadriel had greeted them and she was there waiting.

Haldir approached her and bowed before saying, “We found this creature deep within our borders with the stench of orcs." Legolas looked at the creature and did not believe what he saw! This creature that was slender and small was no creature at all!

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