1.The beggining

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I was lost in my thoughts as I walked down the street. It was a Sunday evening and the sky was already dark even though it wasn't that late. "Have you heard of the binge eater?" A young lady said to another as they walked by in the opposite direction, catching my attention. I do not understand why someone would kill and eat so many humans when they doesn't have to. It's just barbaric and inhuman. But I guess it fits us then... We are ghouls after all.

My thoughts were then cut off when, what I assume was a couple, walked by me. They looked like they were in my age. The girl had purple, long hair and a purple-redish coat, she looked quite cute. But she wasn't human. She reeked of blood and death, just as we all do. But there was something off with her in some way. I felt a bit uneasy by just being around her...

The boy on the other hand was a human, the only smell I could get from him was life. Life and happiness, which is something I would give anything to have again. Not life, we aren't zombie rip-offs. But happiness, it's simply something I haven't experienced in a while. However, the boy had black hair, a dark blue jacket and brown jeans. He seemed happy but a bit nervous for some reason. I guess it's their first date since he's being so nervous.

They didn't seem to have noticed me walking the same way as them, because after a while they stopped. I stopped too of course, I didn't want to ruin whatever romantic moment they were about to have.

"Rize, I'd like to see you again!" The boy said with a shaky and nervous voice. He really did seem nervous. But something was off, that name... I'm sure I've heard it before. I thought of the name as their small talk continued, but I suddenly froze when I saw the girl named Rize take a bite of the boy's shoulder. And before I knew it I stood in front of the boy, holding my arms out from my sides in a protective move.

"Don't touch him!" I yelled at Rize. My (h/c) hair fell over my right eye as I breathed fast and heavy. I threw a glance at the boy who clearly didn't have a clue about this Rize girl being a ghoul. His before friendly eyes were now full of panic and a bit lifeless. I then shifted my gaze to the shoulder were Rize had bit him, and when I did that the boy seemed to relax slightly. He looked at me with curiosity written all over his face and then back at Rize in fear. I took a deep breath before I looked back at Rize. "How pathetic." She said with a smile as she released her rinkaku, and when she did that I realized who she was. I shook my head slightly before looking up at her, narrowing my eyes slightly before speaking.  "The binge eater."

"Smart girl." She said with a smirk while checking her nails out slightly. She then looked back at me with narrow and scary eyes. "But I don't have time for these silly games, so can I get back to my fun now?" Rize said as she nodded her head towards the boy behind me. "I'm sorry, but I simply can not let you take another innocent life." I said as I shook my head before releasing my chimera kagune, which consisted of a light purple ukaku and slightly darker bikaku. "Well, well, well." She looked at my kagune in interest as her smile became wider. "Aren't you a special little girl?" She then flashed me the most eerie smile I'd ever seen before she easily pushed me against the wall, piercing her kagune through my stomach. She then leaned closer to my ear. "But you aren't very strong I'm afraid, and it's a shame. So much potential, and yet so weak. It would have made my day so much better If you'd just been a little bit stronger." She whispered as she pouted her lower lip slightly. She then pulled her kagune out of my stomach. The sound of her weapon pulling some of my flesh and organs with it filled the air before being replaced with my coughing and vomiting. "It would have been an amusing fight."

Rize looked at me for a bit before she went over to the boy again. He just looked at her, then at me and then at her again. His eyes were full of fear as he crawled back when Rize made her way towards him. And all I could do was to lie there as I continued to vomit blood. The closer she got to him the more he crawled back until he stood up, starting to run. But Rize's kagune caught him, crushing him slightly before throwing him away.

I then saw my chance as she just stood there. I pierced my bikaku through her lower back, smiling. She looked back at me with an eerie grin in her face, causing my smile to fade. "So you're thinking of putting on a fight after all?" she then raised her rinkaku slightly as she continued to talk. "But you aren't even strong, so why don't you just give up?" I narrowed my eyes at her. Did she think she'd win over me that easily? I might not have eaten in a while but I still possess a chimera kagune. "I'll never stop fighting such a disgusting creature as yourself!" I then shot crystals at her through my ukaku before piercing her through the stomach again with my bikaku, causing her to let go of me. I smiled as she covered her face, seeming hurt.

My smile then faded once again when she removed her face, revealing her unharmed face. "That weren't very nice." She flashed me that eerie grin again before picking me up again. "Don't call me a disgusting creature when you are one yourself." She then threw me the same way that she threw the boy. My eyes then widen as I landed on a iron pipe, causing it to go through my abdomen. The pain was unbelievable and my vision went blurry. The last thing I heard was a huge crash and it felt as if the ground was shaking. It all then went black and all the noise around me stopped.

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