21. Message

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I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of birds singing. I sat up and Held my head feeling rather dizzy while looking at my surounding. I sat on a field full of white flowers. "Where am i-" "(Y/n)-chan!" I looked towards the familiar voice and saw Kaneki standing not to far away waving at me with a smile on his face. "Hey Kaneki-san!" I Waved back and started to walk towards him. When i was only some meters away he dissappeared. My eyes Widen and i turned around, searching for him.

"(Y/n)-chan!" I looked towards Kaneki who had appeared on the other side of the field. I looked back to Where he stood before and walked towards Kaneki a bit faster. When i arrived and Held out my hand to touch him he dissappeared and appeared again and i ran to him. Every time i was going to touch him he dissappeared. I ran towards him one last time while breathing heavily. "K-Kaneki... D-Don't go..." i Held out my hand to touch him but he dissappeared. I sighed and fell on my knees. I felt tears build up in my eyes.

Suddenly it felt as if it was raining and i Held out my hand for rain to fall on it while i looked at the white flowers. I sighed and looked at my hand, only for my eyes to Widen. It wasn't raining water, it was blood. I looked around at all of the flowers with wide eyes as they got red and somehow turned into different flowers. The bright blue of the sky faded Into a dark blue color and the ground was shaking.

"(Y/n)..." i looked up from the flowers and saw a big shadow of a giant man in the distance. "(Y/n) (L/n)" my eyes Widen and my mind went blanc for a second. When i came back to reality i looked around the field then at the shadow again. "Who are you... and where's Kaneki-san?" The shadow grinned and i was surprised when i saw that it had teeths. "Do you mean this boy?" The shadow then threw something and it landed in front of me. I Held my hands in front of my face because i thought he was going to throw it at me. I moved my hands and looked at the object in front of me with wide teary eyes.

In front of me was Kaneki, but he was bloody and lifeless. "W-What have you Done with him!?" I felt my eyes getting teary as i crawlens towards him. "I haven't Done anything. It was his emotions towards you that got him in this mess." I looked at him with wide eyes then at Kaneki. "N-no, you're lying!" I crawlens closer to Kaneki and shook him. "Come on Kaneki-San, wake up" Tears started to roll down my cheeks and dark clouds made its way into the sky. "P-Please, give him back..." i sobbed and buried my face in his bloody shirt as i hugged him. "That is something i can not do, and i'm afraid i have to leave now. But i'll say this. Make Sure you make the best out of this time you have left with him. Make Sure to regret Nothing." I looked at the shadow as it faded away. "What do you mean, is he not really dead!?" I felt a bit of hope in my heart as i looked at the shadow. "You will have to see that for yourself" The shadow dissappeared completly and i felt my eyelids closing by themselves.

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