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"Mom? Why are we running mom?" She didn't stop nor look at me, she just ran while holding my hand. But we'd been running for at least ten minutes so I began to feel tired, slowing down slightly. "We can't slow down (Y/n)! Hurry up!" Mom said as we ran faster. We then ran through a big crowd of humans and it was hard to keep up with her. Mom ran right, then left, then right again. I got tired while she sped up and turned causing me to bump into someone, loosing her grip. "MOM!" I yelled as I turned around, trying to find her. Tears began to form in my eyes. "Mom! Where are you!?" I felt the tears falling down my face as I ran home.

"DAD! Dad, mom is gone!" I yelled at my dad when I came home, causing him to run into the hallway. "What happened?" He asked, kneeling down so that he was the same height I was. I told him about the tree in the park, that she started to run and that I lost her hand in the crowd. His eyes widdened as they showed both fear and panic. "The CCG..." He wispered as he stood up. "(Y/n), stay here. Dad will go and get mom." He said with a tone that I'd never heard before. His voice was deep and very serious. "N-No daddy, I want to go to." I grabbed his leg while trying to convince him but he didn't give in. "It's to dangerous. Stay here." He opened the door  before looking back at me. "No matter what, stay here" He then shut the door and I knew I had to break the promise. I wanted to see mom. I wanted to save her.

I looked out through the door to see if dad was gone, and he was. I ran as I tried to find mom or dad's scent. "Got it!" I could smell mom, so I started to run in that direction. But when I arrived I fell to my knees. My mom was there. She was just-"Dead..." I looked at the lifeless woman before my eyes. I felt tears blurring my vision as I crawled closer. "No... Mom wake up! You're just sleeping right?" I shook her shoulders in hope to wake her.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A male voice said behind me, causing me to jump in fear. I looked back to see a man with white hair, a suit and a suitcase standing not to far away from me. I looked at the man with wide eyes. " If it isn't a little ghoul." the man said while stepping closer, but I didn't move, I couldn't. I was to affraid. "Say, are you by any chance (Y/n)?" my eyes widened, causing the man to chuckle as he gripped his suitcase a bit harder."She called your name. But you didn't come to her rescue. You are the cause of your mother's Death" My eyes widened once again. He was right. I was too weak and too slow to save her. The man grinned at my reaction. I was so shocked and broken that I couldn't move.

"Your fate will be the same as your mothers." the man in front of me released his quinque, rising it above his head as he hit something behind him, causing blood to drop to the ground. I snaped out of my thougts and looked behind the man. My eyes began to water as my hands went up to my mouth. "DAD!" I screamed as tears began to stream down my face. The man then laughed and looked at me. "Well, he was easy. Now it's your turn."

"NOO!" I sat up in my bed as I felt tears rolling down my face. "It was just a Dream... or more a memory..." I looked out the window. It was still dark outside. I then moved to the edge of the bed. "I don't think I can sleep again, not after..." I thought about the memory of my parents death. It was my fault. "If I'd just..." Tears started streaming down my face again as I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

I made a cup and tasted it before bursting out laughing. "Compared to Yoshimuras coffee this tastes like human food." I decided not to waste the coffee and drank it even though it wasn't as good as the coffee on Anteiku, I can't even compare my coffee to theirs. I then sighed before looking out through the window again and could see a hint of sunlight on the sky. "It looks like it'll be a nice weather today..."

Love might hurt you (Ghoul reader X Tokyo ghoul)Where stories live. Discover now