24. War

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Memories of Yoshimura, Koma and Irimi replayed in my head as i followed Yomo and the others. "You had your chance..." I was growing irritated at this voice. Not only because it spoke more often, but also because i knew it was right. " Why are you doing this" i tried to wisper as quiet as i could so that the others wouldn't hear. "We need to take control!" The voice echoed through my head and i stumbled a bit from the Sudden scream. "We have to get out..." My eyes Widen as i heard a change of tone. It sounded... Sad? "W-why?" As i Said so my vision got blurry and i felt my Legs getting weaker. I Held out my hand to grab the person in front of me but it went black.

I opened my eyes only to find myself in a dream. Everything was white and light. I scanned my enviroment and my eyes narrowed when i saw a figure getting closer. I stood up and walked towards it. When i was close enough to see what or who it was my eyes widen. It was a beautiful blonde woman, holding a smal (h/c) haired girl. "Is that... Me?" the woman nodded and i looked at her as i admired her beautiful Brown eyes. "Who are you?" She came closer, laying the child in front of me. "I'm Riki..." My eyes Widen as i took a step back. "It's you who..." She nodded again before kneeling down to the child. "We need to get out..." I looked at the woman as she continued. "You need to be stronger to survive..." Her Words surprised me and i opened my mouth. "What do you mean?" She looked up at me with her Brown sparkeling Eyes. "You're so strong..." She stood up, pointing at my head "But yet so weak." I felt my Ukaku and Bikaku release by themselves  and she touched them. I looked at them then at her. "So you mean you actualy want to help me?" she nodded as i felt something wierd happening with my bikaku so i looked back. My Eyes widen as i saw my bikaku turning Purple. "What are you doing?" I looked at her in panic and she shook her head. "I can't stay with you anymore..." she then touched my ukaku, turning it Purple as well. "I've been with you for to long..." She picked up the Child and they both started to fade. "I'll miss you (Y/n)... stay strong..." Everything turned black again.

Kanekis POV

I stared at the big screen i horror as the feeling of panic and regret took over. "The CCG... (Y/n)!" I started to run towards Anteiku as i thought about her. Why'd i leave her? She should have stayed with me... Her Beautiful (e/c) Eyes and her (H/c) hair crept into my mind as i ran. The way she got embarased by Everything, her smile... My Eyes turned red by just thinking of what could happend with her. I need to hurry up!

Your POV

I slowly opened my Eyes again, sitting up as i looked around. I was lying on a couch in a smal room. "Where am i" I yawned as i streched my arms "(Y/n), good you woke up..." I snapped my head towards the sound. I flinched a pit when my Eyes met Yomos. "Oh hi Yomo... Weren't i just at Anteiku?" He sighed and shook his head. "You remember what happend right?" I thought for a bit Before i realised. My Eyes widen as i stood up, running towards the door. Only to be stopped by Yomo. "Please Yomo, I need to go." He didn't move an inch and i sighed. "I need to do this, i'm sorry." I walked around him and out of the door. I put on my mask as i ran towards Anteiku. "Please be okay, Please be okay."

As i ran my dream replayed in my head. "What was that?" I immediately stopped running when i heard gunshots and yelling. My Eyes widen as i realised it had begun. I got a bad feeling in my stomach as i started to run again, faster this time.

When i was almost there i jumped up on a roof to not be seen. "Where are they?" I scanned the scene below me fo my friends. My gaze landed on a certain ghoul. "Yoshimura!" I smiled but the smile soon faded when i saw the amount of people fighting him. I scanned the crowd and my gaze once again landed on someone. A familiar White haired boy was running towards Yoshimura. I looked at Yoshimura then at the boy again. "I'm sorry Juuzou but i need to help Yoshimura." I jumped down in front of the boy, blocking his way towards Yoshimura. "Oh, Hello there" he laughed a bit, tightening his grip around his weapon. "You must be The Blush" He gave me a closed eyed smile Before lifting his weapon, swinging it at me really fast. I released both of my kagunes and jumped over the weapon. He stared at be Before bursting out in laugh. "This will be fun." he tried to hit me again but i jumped over it once again. He stopped for a bit, staring at me Before attacking me again and again. But every time he tried to hit me i dodged it.

He stopped for a bit, breathing a bit loud, kneeling down slightly as he looked at me. "You're good." He smiled a bit Before standing up straight. He swinged his weapon once again and i jumped, but this time he was fast and swinged it at me as i was in the air. I looked at it and as it was about to hit me i closed my Eyes waiting for the pain. But it didn't hurt. I opened my Eyes and Juuzou was looking at me a bit shocked but with a smile. I looked the way he was looking and my Eyes widen when i saw that my Ukaku and bikaku had turned Purple, not only that. My skin felt really hard, like an armor. Juuzou was still staring at me with a smile and i looked behind him. My Eyes widen when i saw a big Utility pole falling towards us. I looked at Juuzou again as i started to panic. I used my bikaku kagune to push him out of the way so that he wouldn't get crushed. When the uility pole had fallen i looked over at Juuzou who was staring at me in confusion. "Why?" I was about to answer him when i Heard a scream. I snapped my head towards the sound. I looked back at Juuzou,making sure he was okay Before i ran towards the scream.

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