14. Dangerous

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I ran and ran. "How can they call us monsters, when they kill inocent Ghouls and sound proud about it?" I stopped, feeling tears stream down my face. I took of my mask and looked at it. "Why?" I thought about how Touka had just killed that man. "He..." I remebered now. 'He was one of them.'  He was one of the men that was there when they killed Ryoko. I Felt something wierd in my stomach. Something wanted to take over. I felt my Eyes turn black and red and the feeling that wanted to take over got stronger and stronger, tears still streaming down of the thought of them being proud about killing. 

"(y/n) ?" I froze on the spot for a few seconds and hid the mask and turned around. I had calmed down so my Eyes had Went back to the normal (E/c) Eyes i had. "Kaneki?" I said and tilted my head in curiosity. as the Black haired man walked over to me with a shy expression on his face, but stopped and looked at me in shock when he was closer. "Where you Crying?" He said and looked at my cheeks and my redden Eyes. "E-eh?" I said and wiped away the tear stains on my cheeks. "Oh i'm sorry it was a bad timing huh?" The boy said and walked towards me. My Eyes widen when i felt a pair of arms embrace me and a hand where petting the back of my head.  "K-Kaneki?"  I said and felt my face heat up. He pulled away and looked at me with a serious expression. "It's okay, you can cry. Let it out." I felt tears stream down my face once again. "W-Why?" I sniffed and hid my face in his shoulder and grabbed his shirt. "Why do they kill inocent ghouls?" I hugged him, the warmth of his body felt comforting. "The man that killed Hinami,s mom talked about her..." I hugged him tighter. "he said he needed to kill Hinami fast..." I started to cry more. "They don't value the Lifes of the inocent ghouls at all." I looked up at him with teary Eyes and he looked at me with a blank expression.

"They..." I started but was cut of by the feeling that tried to take over Before. "Let me come out." I put my hand on my forhead, and tried to get the pain to go away. "Let me be free"  I Fell on my knees holding my head in my palms, begging the pain and the voice to stop. "We need to take control" I felt the feeling take over and Everything Went black.

Kaneki,s POV

I stood there and looked at (y/n) as she put her hand on her head, looking to be in pain. "Are you okay?" I was going to put my hand on her shoulder but she fell on her knees, covering her face with her hands. "(y/n)!?" I kneeled down to her level. "Please stop..." She wispered as she clenched her fists. I put both of my hands on her shoulders. "(y/n) what is it?" I felt her starting to fall towards me and i caught her Before she was able to fall to the ground. I picked her up bridal style and stared to run towards Anteiku.

I placed her onto a smal bed in one of the rooms on the 2nd floor. "What happend?" Yoshimura said as he walked into the room with a cup of coffee for me. "I was talking to her, and she suddenly looked like she was in pain and she fell on her knees, telling something to stop. Then she passed out." I looked at (Y/n) and saw a strand of her (h/c) hair go White. "What?-" Yoshimura walked over to her and put his one of his hands on her forehead. "She have a bit of a fever" He looked over to me with a smal smile. "She'll Wake up soon, stay wih her until she does." He said and walked towards the door and walked out.

Your POV

I looked at my surrounding. It was all White. "Where am i-" I Heard somebody scream behind me and i turned around. "PLEASE DON'T! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" I walked towards a the screams of a smal girl as the White surrounding turned black. A Young (H/c) ghoul was stuck in a chair by some kind of seatbelt. She was screaming and Crying to a man in front of her. He was holding a syringe with some wierd red liquid and was puting looking at her with a smile. "Don't Yell my dear, i'll just test this on you." He said and with a smile he put the needle in her Eye and injected the wierd red liquid. I couldn't stand the sight nor her screams. "STOP IT!" I yelled but they didn't listen. "So, We'll just wait for the effects." He said and looked at the girl with a calm smile as she was breathing hard. "Stop. I don't want it..." She said, she was clearly exhaused, a Young girl like her shouldn't be experiencing this. He just looked at her, his smile had faded away. "I would stop, if you where a normal Ghoul. (y/n), You're special." My Eyes widen at him as i Heard my name. "That's me?" I walked closer to the man. "What do you mean by you're special?" I tried to touch his shoulder but as i did he disappeared, And so did the smal girl. The sky and ground got whiter. I thought about what he said but got interrupted by someone Crying.

"please stop" A familliar voice said and i rushed to the source of the sound. When i arrived the surrounding once again turned black and i saw the Young girl sitting on the ground. her skin had turned paled and her veins where visible. "What happend?" I looked at her, at the young me in shock. " please stop..." She held her knees closing her Eyes while whispering. "Stop. I don't want to..." She grabbed her head and closed her Eyes more. "STOP TALKING! YOU WON'T BE FREE!" She yelled while hiting her head. "Hey, stop that you'll hurt youself-" I walked closer to her but something wierd came out her back as her hair turned white. I knew had two kagunes... But this was totaly different. It didn't look like a kagune i would own. My Ukaku was bluish greenish and my bikaku as well, but this... It reminded of a rinkaku by the way it moved, bit it was a Purple colour that faded to black on the end. "Wha-" my Eyes widen as she stood up with an eerie smile on her face. She looked at me, wich caused my Eyes to widen. I was going to say something but she ran towards me and pierced me in the shoulder. I looked at my shoulder then at her. She looked at me with the eerie smile she had Before and Before i could even Think she attacked me again.  The pain was overwelming and i fell on my knees.

"Now let me take Control."

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