6.Mysterious girl

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It's gone a week since I talked to Yoshimura.

I knocked at the door the woman had pointed at and Yoshimura soon opened the door with a smile on his face. "Come in." He said and I did as he asked. He closed the door and I sat down in a chair in the middle of the room. "Yes?" He looked at me while I thought of what I was going to say. "Is there any way a human can become a ghoul, an one eyed ghoul?" I asked in a serious tone. "Well... I don't know actually. Why?" He looked at me in curiosity. "I... That night Touka found me, I had fought against a ghoul... There was a human involved and..." I stopped to gather my thoughts. "I know he was human, He didn't release a kagune and he didn't regenerate. But now, some days ago..." I paused once again and looked at Yoshimura with a serious face. "I saw him. He had ONE ghoul eye. He looked so scared..." I averted my gaze when I thought of Kaneki's scared eyes. "I don't know. But if what you say is true, then I assume you can." He stood up and walked over to the door. He had a serious look on his face "I'll need to discuss this with Yomo." He looked at me with his friendly smile again "Thank you for telling me this, I will let you know if we find anything interesting." 

However, Touka contacted me last night to tell me that my mask was done. I was excited about it so I made my way to Uta's shop as soon as I woke up. When I arrived I opened the door and the atmosphere was as eerie as the first time. "Uta?" I heard footsteps approaching behind me and I looked back. "You won't scare me this time" I said, but I knew I was lying. I felt scared and the footsteps that came closer and closer only made it worse. A sound of something falling behind me caused me to jump and look back. Uta was standing there with a grin on his face.

"I wasn't even trying to scare you and you got scared?" He started to laugh and I felt my cheeks heat up. Uta looked at my cheeks before walking into the small room he'd gotten his pen and sketchbook from last time. I tried to calm down and stop the blushing, but it wasn't even worth trying.

Uta then came out with a small mask and I looked at it in curiosity. The form of it looked like an ordinary, basic mask. The base color was white and when he held the mask's face up my eyes widen slightly. The eyes of the mask where two big black see-through circles, the mask didn't have a mouth but the thing that caught my attention was what the mask was blushing. 

I looked at the mask before I started to blush, causing Uta to look at the mask and then back at me. "Identical" He said with a chuckle. The comment caused me to laugh as well. "Thank you Uta. I really like it." I said as I took the mask. "No, I love it!" I said as I looked at the mask. My compliment caused Uta to blush for a few seconds before going back to normal. "Thanks" He said while avoiding my gaze. I giggled and bowed my head. "No, thank you." I then looked towards the door. "I think I'll get going now." I said before I waved goodbye and left.

I walked down the street, thinking of my new mask as some screaming sounds caught my attention. They sounded like ghouls fighting and I couldn't help but to follow the sound. I had to se what was going on. Someone might have gotten hurt. The smell of blood filled my nose and I hurried even faster to the scene.

When I arrived I saw some ghouls fighting. There was a gang of ghouls against one single ghoul. The gang were just original ghouls, they didn't wear a mask but the ghoul that was alone did. He was wearing a black mask with a big white smile and giant eyes on it. His hair were dark blue and there was something about him that reminded me of Touka. The gang of ghouls had released their kagunes, they were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

The man with the mask released his ukaku kagune and they started to fight. It was unfair, there was at least seven in the gang of ghouls while he was completely alone. I couldn't bear to watch this unfair fight so I put on my new mask and I released my bikaku. I then ran out and pierced one of the gang ghouls in the stomach wich caused all of the ghouls, even the blue haired ghoul to look at me. "Who is that?" one of the gang members said. "I don't know, I haven't seen her around." I chuckled as I pulled out the kagune from the boy, causing him to fall onto the ground. He looked terrified as I put my foot on his head.

"Let him be." I said as they stared at the person under my foot. "And what if we don't. What if we kill him?" One of them said. "Then I'd just have to kill all of you." I said as I released my ukaku too. The gangmembers eyes widened as they backed away a bit. But one of them said. "It'll be easy to kill you we are seven, well six and you are two, it'll be a piece of cake."

The blue haired ghoul looked at my ukaku and then the bikaku again. The gang members where focused on me so he jumped up and shot out crystals from his ukaku. They didn't hit all of them but they didn't pay attention to me anymore. I shot out crystals on one ghoul from my ukaku as I pierced another one with my bikaku. The gang saw their chance and escaped. I had been pierced through the side of my stomach, but it wasn't anything life threatening. The blue haired ghoul didn't have any damage though.

"Who are you?"

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