22. Favor

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I walked next to Kaneki as we made our way towards Anteiku. My heart wouldn't stop racing as i thought of how i should tell him. Should i beat around the bush or just straight up tell him that i love him. "What's on your mind?" I snaped out of my thoughts and looked at Kaneki with faint pink cheeks. "Oh, n-nothing..." I scratched the back of my neck as i gave him a closed eyed smile. He chuckled a bit and i felt my cheeks heat up even more. "What are you going to talk about with Yoshimura?" He sighed slightly and i waithed for his answer. "I..." He looked at me with a hurt expression and i tilted my head in confusion. "D-Did i do something wrong?" I looked at the ground as we continued to walk. "Of course not, it's just..." He sighed and smiled slightly at me. "We're here." I said and pointed at the smal café and as I was going to run but Kaneki took my arm. "What is i-" I was cut of by him dragging me back to a hug. My Eyes widen as i felt my cheeks heat up. "W-what are you d-doing?" His grip tighten as he mumbled something. He let go and sighed. "Lets go." He walked into the café and i followed him with pink cheeks and a faint smile. "Can you stay here?" I looked at him and nodded slightly. "Well, goodbye..." He smiled at me and walked up the stairs.I looked at him with wide Eyes. Why'd he say it as if it was the last time we woud see each other?

"Long time no see." I looked towards the voice and saw Nshiki standing there with crossed arms. "Nishiki~ " I ran towards him and hugged him. "Do you know how worried i was?" I looked up, only for my (E/c) Eyes to meet his Brown Eyes, filed with relief and betrayal. "I guess we're even then." I gave him a closed eyed smile and he grunted and grabbed my shoulders. "(Y/n), this is nothing to joke about. Now tell me, why did you join them. You're nothing like them." My smile faded and i looked at the ground. "It was to protect you..." I looked to the side. "I did it so that i would become stronger so that i could protect you." I looked into his wide Eyes. "I don't want to loose you guys like i lost mom and dad." His Eyes widen even more and i looked at the ground again. "I'm sorry..." I Heard a sigh Before he hugged me "No i'm sorry, i should have known that you wouldn't Think of anything else than that." He let go once again and grabbed my shoulders, looking into my Eyes. "That's who you are after all." I smiled slightly at his kind Words. "But next time tell me before you disappear." His smile faded. "You worried me, you're like a sister to me after all." I nodded and hugged him for a couple of seconds. i let go and he looked at his watch. "I better get back to work." I nodded and Went over to a table to wait for Kaneki, he should be finished soon, right?

Kanekis POV

"Was it something else?" I looked at Yoshimura and sighed slightly. "Thank you for the information about the owl but i need to ask you for a favor." He nodded and i sighed again. "Could you make sure (Y/n) is safe, i don't Think it's good for her to be at Aogiri." He nodded his head and let out an understanding grunt. "Why don't you stay here to?" I shook my head. "I can't, and i Think you know why." "But isn't that why (Y/n) joined to? To become stronger so that she could protect the ones she loves?" I looked out the window to my right. "I know, but i don't want anything to happend to her..." He sighed slightly. "Okay, i'll make sure she's safe." I looked at him and nodded. "Thank you Yoshimura."

Your POV

I looked at the Clock again and sighed. He should be done by now. I stired my coffee with my spoon and rested my head on my hand. "How should i tell him?" I sighed and the door to the café opened and i looked at it. My Eyes widen and my heart stared to race. Juuzou and the ghoul investigator from our last mission. I froze as they sat by the table behind mine. 'Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me. Please don't-' "Oh, (Y/n)-chan, I didn't see you at first." I sighed and looked back at Juuzou with a smal smile. "Hi Juuzou" Juuzou smiled at me as i looked at the ghoul investigator. I could tell that he was trying to tell if i was a ghoul. I smiled slightly at him. "I don't Think we've met, i'm (L/n) (Y/n)." "Yukinori Shinohara." i nodded slightly and smiled again. "Well, i have something to do, Goodbye." i stood up and walked up the stairs, only to be met by Yoshimura. "Hi Yoshimura, Where's Kaneki?" I looked behind him and he sighed slightly. "I'll talk to you after i've served our customers. Could you please go into that room and Wait?" I nodded and walked into a room with a couch, a chair, a table and some Bookshelfs. "Where is he?" I sighed and sat down in the couch as i played with the end of my shirt as i waited for Yoshimura.

After a while the door opened and Yoshimura walked in. "Where's Kaneki-san?" He sighed and sat on the chair. "That was what i wanted to talk with you about. I looked at him as i felt a familiar feeling creeping into my heart. "Kaneki asked if you could stay here..." My Eyes widen and i felt something burst inside me. "He thought it would be safer for you to stay here." I looked at him, a thousand thoughts racing trough my head. "I... I Think i need to get some air..." I walked out the door, feeling a single tear drop escaping my Eye.

What if i never see him again.

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