
385 23 17

Posted: 02.22.17

So I missed a B day yesterday when I didn't go to school (I didn't go today either but it was an A day so it didn't really matter) but anyways, my AP calculus teacher gave us a whole 100 point project on the stuff we learned and I don't even know what I'm doing :(((((

Can we talk about how cute my baby is? Jesse is love, he's so cute I'm dying :,)))))

Chapter 12.

"He looks like a baseball" Jesse laughs loudly, pointing to Poof on The Fairly Odd Parents. (a/n: I'm watching that rn)

I giggle along with him, Jesse being high out of his mind. He invited me to join his guys night with him and his bandmates, swearing to me that I wasn't intruding. They all decided to roll a few joints and get high, while I opted out, but wasn't going to scold them for doing what they want.

I don't remember who's idea it was to watch The Fairly Odd Parents, but ever since it's been put on the guys have been giggling like little school girls about things that weren't even that funny.

"What are you doing?" I ask Jesse as he runs his finger along my cheek. He giggles and shrugs, laying his head on my shoulder. He takes hold of my hand, lacing our fingers together, a smile taking it's way onto my face.

I kiss his forehead and he gives me a shy smile, looking at me through his lashes "You're pretty" He tells me, and I grin, a blush settling on my cheeks.

"Hey Guys, did you know that she's really pretty" He sits up, pointing to me.

"Alright Jesse, shh" I cover his mouth, but he moves my hand away.

"But seriously, you're like a fucking 30 out of 10. How the fuck is that shit even possible? Like, damn girl" He smirks and I laugh.

"I think it's time you go to bed" I stand up, holding out my hands.

"Ooh, yes please" He stands up, following me to his room. He lays down in his bed, taking off his shirt "You're turn"

"I'm going to go clean up, and then I'll be back"

"But Tommie" He whines "I wanna cuddle"

"I know, and I'll cuddle you when I'm done" I chuckle, walking out of the room.

"Hey, we're gonna head out" Zach stands up, hugging me "Have fun with him"

"Oh I plan on it" I laugh, waving bye to them all, shutting and locking the door behind them. I pick up all the trash in the living room, and throw it away, emptying the ash tray as well.

As I make my way back to Jesse's room, I pull out my phone to see Austin's calling. I answer it with a sigh, holding the phone up to my ear "Hello?"

"Tommie" He sighs.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I need your help"

"I'm a little busy right n-"

"Come on, Tommie, please? For me?" He says quietly, and I can imagine him pouting.

"What do you need?"

"I need you to come pick me up from the frat house on Main. I don't want to be here anymore and I don't have my car" He says, and I frown. That means he's probably drunk.

"Fine, I'll call you when I'm close" I hang up the phone. I walk to Jesse's room, seeing him watching The Fairly Odd Parents on his TV in his room.

"Coming to cuddle?" He asks excitedly.

"I have to go pick up Austin, but I promise I'll be back soon and then we can, okay?" I sigh, and he rolls his eyes before nodding "I'm sorry"

"It's okay" He shrugs "You'll be back though, right?" He asks, and I nod, leaning over the edge of his bed to kiss his cheek.

"I should be a half an hour at most" I tell him, and he nods. I walk out of his room, and towards the front door of his apartment, grabbing his keys on the way. I take his car to the frat house, parking out front. I call Austin to tell him I'm there and he comes stumbling out of the front door.

He looks around as if he's looking for my car, and I roll down the window "I'm over here dumb ass" I roll my eyes and he eyes Jesse's car. He climbs in and puts on his seatbelt.

"Thanks Baby" He leans over the center console to kiss my cheek, but I dodge it.


"What's wrong?"

"You're drunk, and annoying" I huff, driving off to his apartment.

"No, what's wrong with you?" He asks, but I ignore him, thankful that his apartment is five minutes from the frat house "Tommie!" He yells.


"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks.

"Nothing, I just want to go to bed"

"Well come on, park" He says.

"I'm going back to Jesse's"

"What? Why?"

"Because, I want to, why else?"

"Well too bad, I don't like him" He shrugs.

"Well, I don't really care about your opinion" I shrug back.

"You can't date people I don't like Tommie"

"Oh?" I ask with widened eyes "But it's okay for you to do it? Because that makes a lot of fucking sense Austin. Just get out, I don't even want to look at you right now"

"I'm not even seeing anyone" He rolls his eyes.

"Bull fucking shit Austin! Stop lying for once in your life. Just admit that you're with Angie for god sake"

"I'm not" He shakes his head.

"Okay" I nod "Bye"

"You know, one day, when I'm gone and you're left alone, don't get all sad and upset" He huffs, and gets out, slamming the door behind him.

I scoff, and get out of the car "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means be careful who you turn your back on" He shrugs.

"Because I've turned my back on you right? God, you're so fucking delusional and narcissistic. I'm not the one in the fucking wrong here. I've done nothing but be there for you, and I've tried to hang out with you and keep our friendship, but you messed this up! you keep ditching me for Angie and I'm sick of it! Learn who your real friends are" I get back into Jesse's car and drive off, going back to Jesse's apartment. When I get there, I mutter angrily to myself, taking off my shoes and throwing them onto the floor.

"What's wrong?" Jesse asks, walking out of his room.

"I hate him, I fucking hate him so much" I huff "Why is he such an asshole?"

"I don't know, Baby" He hugs me, kissing my forehead "Let's get to bed" He picks me up, carrying me to his room. He lays me down and gets into bed beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest.

Before I'm fully asleep, my phone buzzes, and I pull it out, seeing it's Austin.

From: Austin
I'm so sorry, I know I keep saying it, and I'm awful at showing how much I really care for you, but I promise I love you so much and I'm just a dick. Please forgive me, Baby.

I take a deep breath, before letting out a sigh, typing out a response.

To: Austin
I love you, but I can't forgive you. Not now, at least. I think we need time apart. I'm sorry, but I really do love you.

He didn't respond after that.



I hope you liked this chapter.

Thoughts on what you think will happen?

I love you all


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