
396 26 33

Posted: 04.08.17

Chapter 15.

"Aw, your room is cute" Jesse coos, looking around my old bedroom.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes, and he plops down onto my bed, looking at the ceiling "I hate it" I cringe, looking at the pastel pink walls and frilly bed set "My mom decorated"

"I think it suits you" He chuckles, playing with the frills on the comforter.

"Ew. No it does not"

"Tommie, mom wants you downstairs real quick" Landon comes into my room.

"Okay" I nod, looking towards Jesse "I'll be right back" I walk out of my room, walking down the steps. I walk into the kitchen, a gasp being heard.

"Oh my god, look at you" Michele gushes, walking to me and wrapping her arms around me "You're all grown up" She says.

"Mom-" Austin walks into the kitchen and I sigh quietly "Tommie" He says awkwardly.

"Austin!" I hear a dreaded voice whine, and I roll my eyes.

"Of fucking course" I mutter as Angie walks into my kitchen too, grabbing Austin's arm. My mom pinches my arm, whispering for me to watch my mouth.

I leave the kitchen and walk back upstairs, not wanting to stand in the same room as Angie. Footsteps run up behind me and I'm pushed into the bathroom, "What the-"

"Shh" Austin shushes me, turning on the light.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know why you're so mad. You brought Jesse, so why can't I bring Angie?"

"Because unlike Angie, Jesse isn't a bully"

"Angie isn't a bully. I don't know why you keep saying that. She didn't do anything to anyone" He rolls his eyes.

"I'm not having this conversation with you again, now let me out" I try to grab the door knob but he grabs it first "Seriously, leave me alone"

"No. Not until you explain to me why you like that asshole"

"He's not an asshole, leave him alone" I roll my eyes "Just because you don't like someone doesn't make them an asshole"

"Whatever" He rolls his eyes, opening the door and letting me out. I huff and walk back to my room, shoving Angie out of my way as she aimlessly looks around my hallway.

"Bitch" She mutters.

"Slut" I retort, walking into my room and laying down on the bed.

"Hey" Jesse smiles, wrapping his arms around me. I smile back at him, my mom instantly being lifted.

"Hi" I lean my head against his chest, the two of us just laying there.


"Austin" Angie comes into the room pouting, sitting next to me on the couch "Tommie called me a slut"

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know" She shakes her head "I don't know what I've done to her to make me hate her but she's been so mean to me" She cries, wiping under her eyes with her thumb.

Tommie walks down the steps, looking at the two of us and rolling her eyes before walking to the kitchen.

"See? What'd I do?"

"I don't know, Babe" I kiss her cheek "I'll go talk to her-"

"If you're going to talk shit. Get the fuck out of my house" Tommie peaks her head into the living room.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Angie asks.

"Oh, don't play stupid. Don't act like your not a bully" She says, walking up the steps.

"I didn't bully you" Angie tells her and Tommie immediately stomps back down the steps.

"Are you kidding me? You made my life a living hell! Do you not think outing my problems and making fun of me isn't bullying?" She yells "You told everyone I was anorexic and made fun of the fact that I'm not a whore who sleeps around like you!"

"Tom" Jesse walks down the steps and grabs her hips "Stop yelling, calm down" He tells her.

"I never did any of that to you"

"Oh my fuckin-"

"Come on, let's take a walk" Jesse grabs her hand and my jaw clenches.


"I want her out of my house" I say to Jesse as we walk down the street. 

"I know Babe" He grabs my hand lightly, lacing our fingers together "Wanna tell me about her?" He asks and I shrug.



"You have therapy after school?" Austin asks, walking with me down the hallway. I nod, frowning deeply, and stop at my locking, putting in my combination "Tommie, I know you hate it but it will help you" 

"I don't need help" I grab my books, putting them into my book bag. We walk out to the bus and sit down, and I huff when Angie sits behind us.

"We all just want you to feel better" He wraps his arm around my shoulder, I pout and lean my head on his shoulder.

"I don't feel bad though" 

"Maybe not, but you can't hide anorexia for long Tommie" He says and I gasp looking around the bus hoping no one heard. I see everyone with headphones in and I breathe out in relief.

"Jeez, can you keep it down?" 

"Sorry, shit, I'm sorry" 

"It's alright, no one heard" 

"But either way, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here with me anymore" He hugs me tightly against him, kissing my forehead "I love you Tommie" 

"I love you" I sigh, and soon we're at our bus stop and we get off, walking towards my house. 

The next day I walk into school, my heart dropping. All over the walls are pictures of me, the words 'Anorexic Whore' written across either my eyes, or my whole face or on the bottom. When I walk down the hallway people laugh at me, but I try my best to ignore them, walking to my locker. 

"Hey, do you like what I did?" Angie giggles.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because why not?" She shrugs, laughing as she walks away.

"Tommie! What happened? I'm sorry I'm late, are you okay?" Austin runs up to me, wrapping his arms around me and allowing me to cry. 

"Angie did it" 

"Are you sure she did?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows at me "That doesn't sound like her" 

"It was her!"

"Tommie" He sighs "We'll find out who did this" He says, and my lips part slightly.

I just told him who did it.

\Flashback Over/

"That was also the beginning of Austin's delusion that she's nicer than she actually is.



I'm so sorry for the long wait


I love you all 


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