The dream team+connor

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What on earth?! Demeter had pretty much dropped a bomb on me, or at least that's what it felt like. "You want go on a quest?"

"Yes. That is what I said." She said blankly. "I expect you to leave right away."

"What? This is so sudden, I'm not prepared-"

"Katherine, when is anyone ever prepared for a quest?" I cringed when she called me that. She can't be serious, I'm little old Katie Gardner, no big strong demigod. "Alright, I advise that you gather 3 of your strongest allies and head on your way."

"4 of us? Isn't that kind of a bad idea?" We demigods prefer to do things in threes, bringing 4 of us would be dangerous.

"The quest calls for 4 demigods." She said sternly, like a mother telling her child that they have to go to school on Monday. I sighed and nodded. Of corse I know who I'm going to bring.

Travis, of corse, he is intelligent, strong, and will be an asset to the team. Not to mention he has and adorable smile and is my boyfriend.

Lacy, she will be great. She has the charm of Aphrodite herself and is a phenomenal navigator.

And lastly Connor. Because....Well, he's Travis's brother.

The perfect combination? Probably not. But it will have to do.

That's it Katie! Confidence is key.

"I'll be on my way now. I trust that I'm leaving this in good hands... the fate of land nymphs rests is your hands Katherine, they're depending on you to stop the disease before it's a break out." Mom nodded at me then disappeared, into a pile of Raisin Bran? Well. She is usually mentioning how I'm too thin.

Will was watching me carefully, like he was afraid I would burst into tears. We sat there before he finally said something.

"Good luck. I'll make sure that everything is going smoothly and no lives are in danger here." He looked grim, where's that usually smiley face? I smiled at him and patted his shoulder gently.

I think he needed it more then me.

"Don't worry. I've got this"


I so don't got this.

I'm so stressed out about what to put in my backpack and the pressure of saving the nymphs that I'm practically ripping my hair out. I know what Travis would say though,'Katie. You were cute but not with all those bald spots. DUCES.'

I just threw everything into my red pack and am now about to ask everyone if they're willing to come.

I stepped out of the cabin which was completely empty because everyone was taking part in afternoon activities. Steering myself in the direction of the Hermes cabin, I started thinking about the trip.

I'm responsible for a lot of things. First being the safety of the demigods who are coming with me. Second, the fate of the entire nymph population. And third, who's going to check if the campers are cleaning their cabins properly.

I don't know what I would do if something happened to any of the three people I'm asking, they're all to close to me. Connor always makes me laugh and is someone who Lacy really likes.

Lacey is one of my best friends, besides my sister and Nyssa. She has so much love and is so precious, I don't want anything to happen that might ruin or end her life.

And Travis... he's my family. He's more then what is obligated of him as a boyfriend. He comforts me, doesn't care if I eat messily, and broke my nose once. He's what every girl dreams of, or at least what I dream of. He means the world to me and if something were to happen to him I would never forgive myself.

I didn't realize it but I had marched my way up to the Hermes cabin and opened the door. I just blinked at what I saw. What did I just walk in on?

Travis and Connor had a piñata and a jar full of cockroaches and another full of glitter. The piñata was the size of an oven and when I looked at Travis he had a grappling hook and was wearing glasses.

He wears glasses?

"Wha....I....what?" I gaped at the scene. It was such a bazaar thing to walk in on. Connor was looking at me with pursed lips, like he was trying not to laugh, and Travis stood there mouth slightly agape.

"Oh hey Katie," Connor spoke up,"you see it's Ellie's birthday, you know from the Aphrodite cabin, and Jackson asked us to find a piñata."

"Uh...okay? well, I have an important question for you guys." I looked at my feet, suddenly feeling very nervous. What if they say no? "I was just assigned a quest by Demeter and will you guys go with me? It calls for four people."

"ROAD TRIP." Connor yelled.

"Of corse Katie when do we leave." Travis asked. I looked up at him and smiled. That's a relief I mean hades that was nerve racking.

"Tomorrow morning. It will last about 4 days and we're going to Florida." Connor made a face at the mention of the state. He hates Florida for some reason.

"Just kidding, I'm staying here. There's no way I'm going back to Florida after what happened." He shuddered and Travis smacked the back of his head. "Okay! Fine! Ow!"

As he was rubbing the back of his head, Travis rolled his eyes and gave me one of his charming smiles. "Four days huh? Are you sure you can handle that much time with me?"

This time it was me rolling my eyes, "I've made it this long haven't I? Four more days won't kill me." I grabbed his face for a quick kiss and disgusted noises from Connor.

"I'll give you more info at dinner okay? I've got to go ask Lacy if she'll be the fourth." Connor looked startled for a minute and his face got considerably redder.

I leaned in to Travis on my tip toes and whispered, you look hot with those glasses." Then I was away the next second later.

"Alright bye you guys!" At this point, both the stoll's faces were bright red.


Y'all I have finals coming up and I am so unexcited, yay.

Welp, stay golden pony boy. I'll see you next update.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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