Chapter 8

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I woke up in a weird bedroom. Blue walls. Blue striped bedsheets. I was alone. It looked like someone had slept next to me. I rubbed my neck. I felt something weird. I walked over to the mirror on the wall. I had a hickey.

My hair was a mess and my dress was uncomfortable. I readjusted it and looked around. My phone was on the bed side table. I picked it up and saw a bunch of missed calls from Bella.

I ignored them for now and walked over to the door. I twisted the knob and opened it. The strong scent of alcohol hit my nose. Oh right. The party. I walked over to the stairs and looked down. People were all over as well as beer bottles and cups. I walked down the stairs slowly until I reached the living room. I turned as I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

"Hey, good morning." Niall said.

"Hey." I replied rubbing my head.

"You hungry?" he asked walking into the kitchen then looking back. I nodded. I followed him into the kitchen.

We both ate cereal on the couch and threw pieces of coco puffs on the people sleeping.

"Are you ok?" he asked from the kitchen seeing I was holding my face in my hands.

"Yeah my head just hurts."I replied. He walked over from the kitchen and sat down next to me.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" he asked.


"We'll have to go up into my room. So we don't disturb anyone here." he said gesturing to the people asleep on the ground. I nodded and he helped me up off the couch.

We walked up the stairs and he led the way. He led me to the room I just got out of. Must have been his. We sat on the bed and he grabbed the remote off the night stand and turned on the tv. We settled on Grown Ups and set back against the headboard.

We watched the whole movie and my phone was ringing non stop so I decided to answer it.

"CASSIE! Why werent you answering?! I got worried! I couldnt find you last night so I left, are you still at the frat house?" Bella said as soon as she picked up.

"Calm down yes im still here." I said.

"Where were you last night? I couldnt find you after truth or dare."

I excused myself from Nialls room and walked into the hall.

"Well, I dont remember a lot but I woke up in Nialls room with a hickey so Im guessing I was with Niall." I said walking further down the hall.

"Oooh. Really? Thats great!"

"I guess. My head really hurts though so can you not scream in my ear?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sorry." She said lowering her voice.

"Thanks. So when did you go home last night?"

"Um. Maybe 1."

"Oh. Ok. I gotta go. Talk to you later." I said before hanging up the phone. I walked back into Nialls room and readjusted my dress.

"Do you want some clothes?" he asked. I nodded looking down at my dress.

He got up off the bed and walked over to his dresser. He opened the first drawer and grabbed a grey shirt. It looked similar to the one I woke up in on Monday. Then he opened the third drawer and grabbed a pair of sweat pants.

"They are going to be a bit over sized." he said handing me the clothes.

"Thats ok." I said walking out and into the bathroom down the hall.

I closed the door and locked it before unzipping my dress. It was very wrinkled and all over the place. I put it down on the ground and picked up the sweats. I slipped them on and tightened the waist so they wouldn't fall down. They weren't too big. Next I put the shirt on. It smelled nice. Like Niall. I smiled. I looked in the mirror. The shirt was baggy as well as the pants but they were better than my dress. I took my dress and carried it back into Nialls room. He was on the bed scrolling through Netflix.

He looked over to me and smiled. I laid back down on the bed and we began to bicker over what to watch next. We ended up watching Walking Dead season 3.

"Ahh!" Niall screeched as a walker popped up. I chuckled at his reaction.

During the 4th episode my phone rang. It was Bella.


"When are you coming home? You've been there all day?" she asked.

"Um. I dont know." I replied playing with the end of my shirt.

"Are you going to spend the night there again or..." she trailed off hinting towards me and Nialls night last night.

"No. Ill be home at say, 5. Is that good?" I asked.

"Yeah. Can we eat out for dinner? Im feeling In and Out Burger tonight." She said.

"Sure. Bye." I said hanging up and putting my phone back on my lap.

"Sorry, shes a handful sometimes." I said looking at Niall.

He chuckled. "Try living with all these guys." he said as we both chuckled.

We continued to watch until it was 5.

"Its five," Niall said checking his phone.

"Oh thanks. Ill change real quick-" I started.

"You can keep them, for the way home. I dont mind. Give um back anytime." He said. I smiled.

He walked me downstairs and to the door. A few of the guys gave up 'oohs' as we walked. Niall rolled his eyes.

"Bye." He said as I opened the door.

"Bye, thanks."I said leaning over and kissing his cheek. He blushed. I walked out the door and waved on the way to my car.

I drove towards home as I got a call from Bella.

"How many times are you going to call im on my way home Bella." I said before she could say anything.

"Ok geez. See you soon." this time she hung up first. I put the phone down and continued to drive home.

When I got home Bella was on the couch watching tv.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"What are you wearing?" she asked looking over the couch. Oh yeah, I was in Nialls clothes.

"Niall lent me some clothes. Let me go change." I said shuffling into my room. I didnt want to change out of his shirt. The scent was amazing.

I grabbed a pair of high waisted skinny jeans and decided to wear my new crop top. I walked out into the hall and Bella was standing in the hall blocking me from walking.

"What?" I asked seeing the look on her face. It was a devilish look.

"So, what did you and Niall do?" she asked raising an eye brow.

"Watched Walking Dead." I replied crossing my arms.

"Than whats this?" she asked pointing to my neck.

"That was from last night. I woke up with it." I defended.

"Ok. Ok. Just checking." She said finally walking down the hall and to the door.

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