Chapter 22

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••Nialls POV••

I let out a sigh. What if this was my fault? Telling her not to get close. I guess I did hurt her. Physically. If this was cause by me of corse. I couldn't think like that. It made me feel horrible.

I walked into the doorway and saw her hooked up to machines and what looked like gauge around her torso and head. I walked over to the bed. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and put my head in my hands. I reached over and grabbed her hand. It was cold but I held it in both of my hands.

I stood up and walked over to the door. The nurse met me and Bella in the hall.

"She broke two ribs and hit her head." she said. Bella gasped. I put my arm around her and tried to comfort her.

We stayed in the hospital room with Cassie for the next few hours until she opened her eyes.

"Cass!" Bella gasped leaning over from her chair to put her hand on the bed.

"Thats my name." she chuckled. Seeing her chuckle was so adorable. No matter what state she was in.

"Im so glad you're ok." she said pulling Cassie into a hug. She turned her head a bit and gasped.

"Niall?" she asked breaking her and Bellas hug.


"What are you doing here?" she asked sitting up.

"What, my friend gets rushed to the ER and im not going to visit?" I chuckled. It kind of hurt to say she was just a friend but it was best. I thought. Obviously not.

"Ill give you two some, privacy." Bella said slipping out the door and closing it on her way out. I walked over to sit in the chair but when I got close enough she reached over grabbed my waist, pulling me to sit on the bed next to her.

"Listen, im sorry, this was probably all my fault, and I didn't realize, I obviously-" I was cut off by her lips connecting to mine. I was taken back and when I tried to pull away she put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me back in. She started moving her lips as I followed, not knowing what else to do. She broke apart for a second and hummed before going back in. We were full on making out. On a hospital bed. My hand reached for her cheek as our lips stay connected and my hand cupped her cheek. What was I doing? What if Bella came in? What if a nurse came in? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted by a small knock on the door. Cassie pulled away and we both looked over. A nurse popped her head in.

"Oh," she blushed. "was I interrupting anything? " she asked raising an eye brow. Cassie shook her head and furrowed her brow motioning 'defiantly not'. She was so weird sometimes. I stood up off the bed as the nurse came over to check on her bandages. Her ribs needed a new bandage. The nurse turned to get one and Cassie mouthed 'im not dome with you yet' then smiled. I couldnt help but blush and stand in shock. The nurse came back over with bandages. she politely asked me to leave so she could change them and I stepped out into the hall.

"How is she?" Bella asked as soon as I stepped out.

"Shes, ok... the nurse is just changing her bandages." I said walking over to the couches.

After about 10 minutes the door clicked open. Bella looked up.

"Niall?" she asked. I looked up. "Cassie wants you." she said smiling weirdly as I passed her.

I walked into the room where Cassie was and started towards the bed. I didn't even bother to try and sit on the chair. I sat down on the bed where I was last time. The nurse popped her head in and we both looked over. She smiled and closed the door.

"Cassie, im sorry. I shouldnt have told you to stay away. If I had known you would have ended up like this I wouldnt have said it." I said kinda fast just incase she had other plans like earlier.

"What kind of chap stick do you use? I like it." she said running her tongue across her top teeth. Wow. Wasnt expecting that.

"Cassie, I just dont want to," I started. Her running her tongue across her lips was distracting me. "hurt, you." "Again" I said under my breath.

"Its fine. Why dont we go get some ice cream or something?" she asked.

"Cassie, you're lying in a hospital with broken ribs." I said.

"So." she crossed her arms.

"So I dont think we can go for ice cream"

"Yes" she demanded.

"No" I said back.

"Yessssss" she said dragging out the word.

The nurse came in looking at a clip board.

"Cassie, we have you on bed rest tonight. Then I expect you to stay on bed rest at home." She looked up from the clipboard at to me. "And you, I expect you to make sure she does so, seeing you cant stay off the bed when you're around her." She said winking.

My cheeks flushed as I looked away. Cassie smiled.

"Alright. Thanks." she said.

"Ill check on you in the morning." the nurse called before exiting.

"So ice cream tomorrow," she said as I sighed.

"Cassie, youre on bed rest. Lie down and get some rest." I said still trying to get her to lie down.

"On one condition, " she said crossing her arms.

"Depends...." I said seeing the mood she was in. As she opened her mouth there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Cassie sang. Bella walked in. She shuffled to the other side of the bed.

"They're saying I have to leave." she said hugging her.

"Oh, well then I should too," I said standing up.

"No" Cassie snapped as she reached over and flung me back onto the bed. I almost fell over onto her before I regained my balance.

"Imma come tomorrow. Promise." Bella said before walking out.

"Only if, " she started. I waited but she didnt speak again.

"Only if..." I repeated.

"Only if you spend the night with me." She said pulling me down next to her.

Oooh interesting chapter!

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