Chapter 50: Anger

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Travis sat in the empty house. The other guys were at the mall and he chose not to go. He's been leaving a note with katelyn at the hospital daily. He had just gotten back.
Why her... why her...
His thoughts kept haunting him. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He began to clench his fist as the fires of rage built inside of him. His father... didn't deserve to get off easy by death. He deserved so much more suffering than that. Travis, sitting at his desk, slams his fist down on the table forcefully, leaving a small crack in the wood of the surface. He moves his fist to see he has a crack in his table and let's out a bit of a yell while violently swiping his arm across the desk, knocking everything to the ground and papers to scatter across his rooms floor. He breathes heavily through his teeth and pulls his fingers through his hair in a desperate attempt to calm down.
I just need to lie down...
He can't seem to push his chair out, not knowing it was stuck against a small plank of the wood in the ground. In a fit of anger, he pushes back hard on the chair, falling to the floor. He stands back up, lifts the chair, and slams it into the desk. He stomps over to his bedside and lays down face flat.
I just keep making mistakes. One after another.


Another short af chapter, but I'm sending out a longer one sometime this weekend so be hyped for that :).
Hope you're enjoying (you sadistic bastard xD) and I'll see you in the next chapter with another diddly darn lil story for you loyal readers losing your mind over the shorter chapters as of recent. See you then and take care. GOODBYEEEEEEEEE :D (have a nice day. I will personally attack you if you dont have a nice day. That is a promise! AND a threat!!! U better have a nice day! xD)
-Ali; Writer of a mediocre-at-best story that has people crying xD

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