(Smut) Mercer ~ Partners

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I have noticed that there are not a lot of these out there, so thank you blerblerblaidk for requesting this!

Don't like it, skip it. THIS IS SMUT! BLOW JOB!

The most beautiful person Mercer has ever seen was a (race) named (name). She had it all, honey sweet words and body. She could get away with murder by just saying a few words. She to run with the Dark brotherhood, until the gold wasn't like it use to be. She joins the guild about a month ago, she has brought in more hold than anyone has in a year.

Mercer could not stop thinking of the girl, so young but knew every trick in the book. She could have her way with any man.

Your P.O.V

Our dear guild master has called me. I had no idea what he could want, I've been doing my job. There is no reason for him to be cross with me. I walked up to his desk in the guild. He was looking down at his big book. It was filled with names and placed we could hit up.

I walked across the middle of the large room, I could feel all eyes on me. I swear, it's like some of these men have never seen a woman in their life.

 "You call, guild master?" I said while taking a small bow.

 "Yes...." He didn't even look up at me. I sigh while crossing my arms under my breaths. "I have a job for you."

 "Alright, I can do anything you want me too."

 "There's a shop met of jewels to the blue Palace. It is going to be heavy graded. You're going to need a partner for this one (last name)"

 "WH-at?" My voice crack, I had both my hands on the desk now, all eyes were one the two of us. what was he thinking? I have killed princess and prince in three days in the same kingdom. I have done so much more than any person in this guild has ever dream off. 

(3rd person P.O.V)

 "Sir, I am far more talent than any person you could sit up with me." You said while moving away from the table, looking very proud. 

 "I will me your partner on this one (last name)." At his moment your heart stopped at his words. You could die in a whole now. A smirk grew across Mercer face. "We're be leaving before dawn, meet me at my manor 10 minutes before dawn. Do I make myself clear, (last name)." Oh, he wasn't asking you.

 "Yes si- Yes guild Master!" Your body had chills running down it. You turn around walking off to get a drink to calm your nervous.

~Couples of hours later~

 Mercer was tired, he walked up to the master bedroom. He took off his guild armour, leaving himself in a black shirt with matching boxers. He laid down on the bed pulled the cover over his body. He turns on his side and started to play with a coin that was under his pillow.

'She can be cocky at times.' The thought of the young (race) cross his mind again. 'Along with being headstrong and her honey sweet words. She could get any man she wished for.' That last thought got him thinking.

It was very much true, he saw Brynjolf around her all the time. This made Mercer's head hurt, along with something else. He hasn't felt anything like this in a long time. The pain was coming from his heart. He got up and took a drink of some mead. He drake the whole bottle before going to bed.

The rest of the night he couldn't stop thinking her. He had slept a few hours before the sun around up. Mercer woke up with the thought of (name). There was this burning in his lower body.

Mercer had slipped his head into his boxers. His finger ran through the hairs close to his member. As his finger touch his member, chills ran down his back.

"(Name)" The name slipped from his lips. He started to rub the base of the member. Soon he started to stock it, he pulled down his boxer. Letting out his member spring lose. 

He pumped his member, while rubbing the tip of it. Just thought of the sweet (race) made him crazy. He started to get faster, pumped just the tip for few moments, before riding the hole member top to bottom.

"Guild Master I'm here." At this moment Mercer jerked backwards into the wall behind him with a shelf over it. On top of the shelf was a pot of honey.

(name) had some supplies in her arms, that block her view of him. The Honey fall onto Mercer chest and member. (Name) turn to her side, so she could look at him. "I have all supplies we ma-oh my divines......"

"It's not what it looks likes." Mercer said while trying to pull up his boxers. (Name) put dow the small box and bag of supplies while closing the door behind her. 

"It's look likes you were having fun with, Guild Master." She walked toward the bed, she sat down leading toward Mercer. For the first time in a while, Mercer was speechless. (Name) put a finger over Mercer member. (name) move her face toward the honey cover member. 

"(name)-" Before he could do anything to stop her, she had put her lips onto the tip. She licked up the honey then move down to the rest of the member. Mercer grab a hold of the bed sheets, letting a groan come out of his throat.

After few moments of her licking up and down,  Mercer pulled her head up by her chin. (name) looked up at the man with lustful eyes. Mercer than move her hole head over his member. He forced her to take in his whole member. 

(name) looked quiet shock at first, the feeling in the back of her throat was wired. Soon her throat became used to the feeling.

"There." Mercer started to buck his hips, he had both hands on (name)' head. His groans became louder, the sounds were music to the (race) ears. She then started to play with him. 

"HAA." He moans out while bucking his hip into her throat. "Don't play with me (last name)." Mercer groans taking a handful of her (colour) hair. (Name) started to take control, Mercer just bucked his hip. She bobbed her head up and down faster. Mercer was getting close. His grip on her head became loose, (name) took this as a chance to play with the pink tip.

"AHH (name)" Mercer was over the edge of a climax. She played with the tip. "I-I gon-" With those words he came. His seed flow into her mouth, the taste of him and honey mix in her mouth. She tried to swallow it all, but some dripped from out.

Your P.O.V

I looked up at him with a smile on my face as I wipe the seed off my chin and lips. I was waiting for him to tell how good I did, but it never came. Instead, he pulled me into his arms. 

"Were leave tomorrow." His voice seems very tired. He took a deep breath before putting his chin on top of mine head. He soon fell asleep with me in his arms.

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