The companions: You get kidnap (1)

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It had been along day for the Nord, while on the way back from his job a dragon attack him and the group he was in. They were all fine, nobody was really hurt. Farkas was just really tired, all he wished to do was to rest beside you. Though He knew you would tell him to go take a bath before. 

He smiled at the thought. He could hear you know saying that when he would go try to lay down. He would ask you join him, and of course, you. He walked into the room he shares with you, to find that you were not there.  He took a deep sigh before changing out of his armor. Farkas put his armor away in the closet he shares with you. Your armor was still inside. "Um... she\he\they didn't go on a job..." He told himself. 

He sat at the end of the bed looking at his hand, he was really a mess. Cover in blood from the dragon and dirt. Farkas decided to just sit up and wait for you to return from whatever you were doing. After a few hours, he got up to see if you were upstairs. 

"I thought you would be asleep with (name)." Vilkas comment while he brother walks up the stairs.

"She\he\they hadn't come home yet." Farkas replied.

"I didn't know she\he\they left." Vilkas said. 

"Her/his/their armor is still here..." Farkas was worry know, Vilkas had been there all day how couldn't he had seen you left.

"Oh, a letter came for you." Vilkas went to go get the letter that was for his brother. Farkas followed behind him. Farkas took it he read it slowly. 

"The Silver-Hand have your lover werewolf 

come alone to Gallows Rock."

Farkas dropped the note before running out the door into Whiterun. Vilkas pick up the letter to see what the hell was going on. "... I hope you know what you're doing brother..."


"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" Vilkas asked while he held your hands in his. You were going to a huge job that you wanted to go on alone.

"You always come with me, I want to show the others that I can handle myself." You told him while giving him a kiss. "I'll be home in two days times, there's nothing to worry about." 

"Alright, just be careful." He told you giving you a kiss on both cheeks. "Farewell." You said while pulling away from his hands, as you slipped away he became worried. He hoped he was doing the right thing for you. You are a very brave woman/man/ person, but sometimes you would take on more than you could handle. 

"She'll\he'll\they'll be just fine.." He told himself while he walked back to Whiterun. Within the two days of you not being there, he kept himself buying. Mostly working on his sword arm. After the two days, Vilkas went to the front gate of Whiterun. He sat on a rock close to the stables while he waited for you. After a few hours went by he became worried. He went to talk a small walk to get the thought off his mind.

30 minutes later, you were still nowhere to be found. "Relax..." He told himself before walking back to Jorrvaskr. As he walked up the stairs he saw his brother holding something in his hand. 

"A courier came by," Farkas said while handing his brother the letter. Vilkas took the letter and started to read it.

"To the companion that is called Vilkas, I have something of yours that I am sure that you will be wanting back. Come alone and no ones get hurt." 

"What does it say?" Farkas asked.

"(name) has been kidnapped." Vilkas growl while rushing to get his sword. With that, he took off running down the streets of Whiterun.

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