The Knife Game

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"Really? Cicero play the knife game? Fits him perfectly!! XD" requested by FrostsSnowflake

You heard something hitting the table while you read your book in your bed, you heard voices get louder. You rose from your bed to see what they were up too. You lead over from the upper leave to see a few of your family member standing and sitting around the table where Cicero was doing something with his knife.

"What are you all doing?" You asked while walking down the stairs, you took a seat next to Cicero. 

"WOO, (name) want to play?" Cicero asks while playing with his knife. 

"What are you playing?" You ask while going to grab a bottle of wine that was sitting on the table.

"The knife game." He said with the neck up to his face, blocking one of his eyes.

"I bet 10 Septim I could do better than you." Said the werewolf with a grin on his face. 

"Deal~" Cicero took off his gloves placing his left hand on the table, with his right a place the knife at the end of his thumb. " Oh, I have all my fingers." He started to sing while moving the knife in and out from between his fingers. "The knife goes chop chop chop. If I miss the spaces in-between my fingers will come off." 

"Haha." You laugh in amazement, you watch at the werewolf started to rethink what he got himself into.

"Oh, chop chop chop chop chop chop! I'm picking up the speed And if I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed!" He stabs the knife into the table as he finishes.  The werewolf growl at the small man while get pick up his knife and started. He wasn't doing that well... You bite down on your bottom lip, trying not to laugh at the werewolf.

His hand was bleeding from all the times he had stabbed himself. "I think Ci-haha-Cicero won." You said trying not to laugh.  Arnbjorn sigh while getting up the gold to Cicero. 

You and Veezara started to laugh your asses off, Cicero takes the gold while sitting back in his seat. Arnbjorn looks at the two of you with a smirk on his face. "Your turn." He said while pushing the knife over toward you. "Fine... I bet..." You had to think of what you wanted to bet.

"100." Veezara said while throwing a bag of gold on the table. "If (name) wins, he\she\they get the gold, if they lose I keep my gold." He said before taking a drink.  You sigh while getting the knife ready. 

"Okay.." You started while singing the song as while as going pretty fast. "Oh, chop chop chop chop chop chop !!" You were hitting the knife down pretty hard, leaving big marks in the table. "I'm picking up the speed! And if I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed~! Done!" You stab the nice down into the table, Cicero quickly stands up and starts clapping for you.

Arnbjorn starts laughing his ass off while Veezara can only shake his head while smiling.

"That is mahogany!" Yelled Nazir at you. The four of you just laugh at him and each other.

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