High elf princess x Skyrim part 2

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  So I seen a few people actually like this so I'm just going to continue it and see what happens. And if you guys want to see more Side Stories is leave a comment and I'll get back to you.  

"You're not with the Thalmor Embassy, are you, high elf? No, that can't be right..."  He looked back down at the list.

Then he turned to face the female Captain who had called for The Archers to kill the horse thief.

"Captain, what should we do? She's not on the list." the woman didn't even care to look your way. She just watched the Jarl of Windhelm.

" Forget the list. She goes straight to the block." She spat out while walking away. Your stomach felt sick now.

" By your orders, Captain. I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains get returned to summerset isles. Follow the captain, prisoner." With that,  you walked over to where the rest the men were standing at.Now standing over just a few feet away, was a Thalmor agent came over to watch.  You kept your head down, trying to make sure he did see you.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero, but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp the throne."  The only reply the Imperial got was a growl from Ulfric. "You started this war, flung Skyrim into chaos. And now the Empire is going to put you down and restore the peace."

Out of nowhere, a distant roar could be heard, everyone looked around. You though kept your head down.

"What was that?" said the man how had the list.

It's nothing. Carry on." The man who was talking to Ulfric reply.

"Yes, General Tullius! " It was that female Captain, she turns to priestess "Give them their last rights." A Priestess steps forward.

"As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the 8 divines upon you-"

 "For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with." A Stormcloak yelled while marches forward." Priestess hesitates before speaking again.

" ... as you wish."

 "Come on! I haven't got all morning!" He said while standing by the block. He gets on his knees at block, looks up at Captain andHeadsman "... My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same??" Captain take steps on his back, before moving away. The Headsman: then beheads soldier.

You kept your head down, not wanting to see what has happened.

 "You Imperial bastards!"


"Death to the Stormcloaks!"

"...As fearless in death as he was in life." Ralof said.

"Next, the high elf!" The captain yelled while pointing at you.  You swear at this moment your heart stopped. All eyes are on you at this moment, and so was the Thalmor agent.

"Hold it right there!" The Thalmor agent walked over to you. 

Now. this was really nerve-wracking for you. You let me know if you are a by just your face. For each royal child, they are born with a birthmark on their (place on face). "Raise your head." He commanded. You did as you're told, slowly moving your head up words. He was a bit taller than you, just about 4 or 3 inches taller.

"Remove your cloak." he demanded. you made eye contact with him before putting up your hand showing them that they're bound.Again...That sound.

"There it is again... did you hear that?" Ask the man with the list again.

The Thalmor agent paused to listen to the sound, before pulling your cloak off. Now you really felt sick to your stomach, your hands felt sweaty. As he pulled your coat off you look down. " I said raise your head!" he grabs a handful of your (colour) hair, pulling your head upward.

He stared into his golden eyes with a glare. His Express in change from stern to shock. he let go of your hair immediately and dropped to his knees.   

  "Mine absolute sincere apologies your highness." he said well keeping his head down. People gaps all around you, soon the Imperials had fallen to their knees as well. While the Stormcloaks just stared at you.  

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