Brynjolf ~ Mornings like these

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The birds were singing their sweet toons. The sound of the water dripping off the roof. The feeling of the cozy bed. The warm of him. This was morning the two of you lived for. Last night was the first time you saw each other in the last month. It was kinda funny in a way. The two of you didn't even know the other was there. You had come in from the back door. While he came in from the front. The moment the two of you realized the other was there. You Immediately embraced each other. Bryjolf shared a kiss before pulling you down into bed with him.

But now, that was all in the past. You laid across his bare chest. Watching it rias and full. There were a few scars here and there. But not much. After sex, he would sometimes tell you how he got one. You enjoy listening to those stories, it was a nice way to cool down. 

Brynjolf wasn't really a man or talking. He just did what he felt like. That's what you like about him. However, it was also his downfall at times. When he couldn't do, he would distance himself. Which you despise with a strong passion. 

You stare at his face, his messing hair cover most of it though. You decide to fix it up a bit. A little braid here and there. You enjoy playing with his hair. So did him with yours. On long journeys, he would place flowers in your hair. But anytime you would try, he would take them out. And place them in yours.

Now, you had to decide, whether to stay or make something to eat. He won't mind either really. He enjoys watching you cook. As well as waking up to you. A smile grew upon your face. You remember when he asked for you're love.

"Words aren't really my thing Lass." He started out. "But, I want to say... I would be unhappy if you left." That day you were thinking about joining the guide in Morrowind. "I like having you around. I don't know what I'll if I don't see ya anymore." You were a little unsure, where this was heading. But you hoped for the best.  

"You want me to stay?" You asked.

"Aye, I do." A small smile appeared on his face.

"I have to thi-"

"(name), what I'm really trying to say is... is, all I want is.. is to wake up every day to your face."

And here you are today. Embraced in each other arms. Now, back to that decision. You were kinda hungry. And Bryn is a heavy sleeper, he won't even notices if you got up. But he was so warm!

"Good Morning, love." Luckily for you, you didn't have to make it. You lead up to give me a kiss.

"Good Morning, how did you sleep." You asked, laying your head back on his chest.

"Better than I have all month."

"It's nice to sleep in your own bed again.

"Aye, but it's you who makes all the better." He smiles before kissing your forehead. 

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