Mage: When they get drunk

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At first, he tries to act like he isn't. He quite for a few moments before he walks over toward you. He'll wrap his arms around your waist, letting his head rest on your shoulder.

"My apologies for what I said easier." Ancano will first say before going on about what he said to you that was mean. He'll then pull you toward a seat so you could sit on his lap. "You know (name),  beautiful/ handsome don't even begin to explain you." Ancano will start kissing your neck, this is the way he asks for a kiss. You sometimes, just tease him by kissing his nose instead of his lip.

He would sigh before going back to kissing your neck. After a few kissing, he would try to get you bed with him. "Ancano your drunk." You would say trying to pull away from him. Ancano would have this sweet smile on his lip with his eyes close. 

"I a sure you.. that I am no my dear." Next thing he did was walked into the wall instead of going through the large doorway. He had fallen to the floor with his hand on his head.

"Oh, Ancano." You rolled your eyes before going to help him up.


He drinks to forget, but he always remembers. When he drunk he'll come up to you and sit in your lap like a child would with it mother. He laid his head on your cheat\breath before talking about his problem. 

"I really don't understand what her problem is.." He sighed.

"Don't worry about it." You would tell him before he went on and on about it. When he with friends though, he always hand you by his side talking about.

"My (name) though, she\he\they are the real star in myself." He said before kissing you the cheek or forehead. But if anyone says otherwise he would speak his mind to them, at that point in time you would slowly walk away and find a seat to sit in. Then watch him yelled at whoever said otherwise.


When he gets drunk he usually goes on about how great of a mage he is. But when he really drunk he get and start dancing with you. The other apprentices would laugh and star to clap to make some music for the two of you. You always found this sweet, anytime he could spin you around he would kiss your cheek before pulling you closer to him.

"Love you my sweet~" He'll pure in your head before kissing your lips. If he was really drunk he would run out into he snow without his clothes on. This never really happend, becasue you made sure he never got this drunk. But there was one time it happend, and let's just say getting a cold was the least of the problem the next day.


Anytime the two of you stopped at an Inn he drunk off his ass and makes a fool out of himself. He dares every man in the room to a fight, of coruse he doesn't tell them that he uses magic. You would always sit a few table away from him after he was done fighting you would take him back to the room you brought for the night and laid him in the bed. Sometimes he would have a black eye from the fight.

"What! He-"He would try to tell what the other man problem was, but you would always cut him off. 

"Shut up!" You would through whatever was at hand at him. He would hold up the pillow and try to block himself. 

"Are you challenging me!" He yelled back with a smirk on his face. He would then hit you with the pillow.

"You're a dead man." You replied after you got hit in the face. You pick up the pillow from your bed and star beating the crap out of him. He is truly amazing with magic, though not with pillow fighting.

Usually the next morning he would have a headache and blame it on you heading him last night.

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