Ondolemar x Nord reader: That woman

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request by Coco_Ellen

Ondolemar P.O.V

I see this woman, she is Nord that comes into the keep often. she is not a grade nor is she a sellsword. I believe that she is an assistant for the court wizard. She always has a smile on her face. After patrols around the city and the keep, I find myself looking for her. I won't say it aloud, but I do believe that I do have these feeling toward this Nord.

It was evening now, I was patrolling on my own. Most of the city Folk gone inside now, it's quite peaceful. well wondering about I stumble upon the woman. She was carrying a basket of ingredients, she looked up from her basket at me. She wasn't her cloak up and I could see her lovely (color) eyes and ( hair length) (color) hair. she shot me a smile before saying.

"Good evening." I nod my head has a reply as I pass by her. As she walks away, I can help but turn my head to watch her walk away. Every night before close my eyes, I ask myself why don't I ever talk to her?

It was the next and here I am patrolling about, I walked by the same area I saw her at yesterday. It was under a waterfall, as I walked about, she is nowhere to be found. I find myself saddened at this. For today I haven't seen her all day. With a sigh, I walked away and continue on my way.

"Excuse me." A small voice said behind me. I turn around to see her, I try to keep a smile from forming on my face. "You umm..." I quickly place my hand on my hip... She was holding my knife. "You drop this sir." She said with a sweet smile.

I really couldn't help but smile, I took the knife from her small hand. I then realized at this moment how bigger I am to her. "Thank you. " I said.

"You welcome, Have a good evening." With that, she walked away. I stood there watching her walked away, truly I can't understand why I admire her so.... She is a nord, and I am a High elf.

Another day has come and gone, now I find myself standing under the water. I have finished my patrol along ago, but I did not wish to go back to the keep. I haven't stopped thinking about that Nord woman. I still do not know her name....

"I wouldn't think you be out this late." There was her voice again. I turn to see her, now dress in a (color) dress. "Do you mind if I stand here with you?" She ask

"You may. " I said while looking at the water.

"It's it just lovely?" She asks me. "I think it's really amazing how this whole city that is built into the mountain side."

"It is astounding. " I said.

"What do your cities look like?" She asks me, I turn my head toward her looking down at her.

"They are truly grand, much bigger than your." We talk for what seem like hours, I soon found out that her name is (name). She is truly something special. Soon I found myself talking to her every night. We would meet under the waterfalls and talk for hours on end.

"Ondolemar." (name) said while putting her hand on mine. " I will be leaving for the college by morning. I won't be back for a few moons." (name) said with a saddened face. I put my hand to her chin, to have a look at her face.  She smiles at me, kissing my hand before putting her hand on my face. 

I just stood there in shock, she leads up and kissed my lips. That night, we spend together at home.

A new day has come, I once again I was patrolling about.It has been two moons now and I hope to see my (name). While walking, Some guards walked past me, I've overheard their conversation.

"Did you here? A woman was killed today in the market."

"Yeah, so call Forsworn attack."

 I stop in my tracks. After they were gone, I ran up toward the water fall. Please me there.... I turn the corner to find..................

"(name)" I said before dropping to my knees, for she is nowhere to be found. A feeling of pain in my heart, as tears ran down my face. 

"Ondolemar? Whatever is a matter?" I look up to see my dear sweet (name), she holding her basket in her hand with some Ingredients inside it. She rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around me.  All I could do was hold her tightly and smile.

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