Lost in Las Vegas - One Piece x Reader 11

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Chapter 11:

  Once you and usopp got your food, you spotted an empty seat for four people only.

"Hey usopp, let's go to that seat." You said as you pointed to the empty table.

"Well okay (Name)." Usopp agrees and go to the empty table and sit and eat your food.

"Um usopp, when did you and you friends came here in vegas anyway?" You asked

"Well... Two and a half years." He answered.

"Really? That's really insane." You said.

"I know right?" He said and you nodded in agreement. As the two of you keep on talking you hear a music in a big stereo () and your eyes widen a bit and listen.

"Oh my g. Fave song." You said as you snapped your fingers in the beat.

"You know you're not the only one who loves that music (Nickname)..." Usopp said.

"Seriously?" You asked as you saw Luffy and you waved at him."Hey luffy!" You called him making him turn his head towards you and he had a huge grin and ran towards you and usopp.

"(NAME)!!!!" He called you really loud and you face palmed.

"Seriously what a-" You cut off your words as luffy eat all of your food. "Hey luffy! You can't do that! That's my food!" You yelled at him making him giggle.

"I'm hungry (Name), and you pick most of my favorite food." Luffy said happily and you snarled slightly.

"Why don't you get your own then?! You're such a little kid you know?" You said as you went to the buffet table again to get some food...  

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