Day 9

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We were all back in the treasure room. Lukas told us that he felt like the darkness was still crawling inside him. I held him and told him that it was going to be fine. He hugged me back. 

"So it can shape-shift into different people?" Jesse asked. "That's right. And I don't know if it's tricked anyone else, but it got Lukas before," Stampy was explaining to entire thing to Jesse. Em was talking to Nell. "Well, since you guys let it get away, I guess we're starting the search over again," said Petra, "Right, Jesse?"

"I'm afraid we're gonna have to," Jesse responded. "This time, we stay together," Oliviasaid.

We started travelling again, searching for it. 

"SO! You've started looking for me again!" a shadowy voice said as we reached the forest. "Who are you? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Axel shouted into the wind. "I would tell you... but I'm having fun watching you struggle. And besides, now that you're all together..." the voice said

"I C A N K I L L Y O U A L L!!!" it finished.

(A/N -sorry for a short chapter, I was low on time, but thanks for 300 reads, guys!)

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