Day 42 Continued

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Your POV

The shape-shifter was back. What else would I expect? The Order of the Stone came up with a plan: To hold a mandatory meeting for the town to formally introduce Harper as a member of the OOTS. 

"This can't go wrong."
"And how do we know everyone will show up?"
"Anyone who doesn't show up is suspect."
"They're ALL suspects, attend or not."
"If we see two of the same people, one of them HAS to be the shape-shifter!"
"But what if the shape-shifter constantly changes? We won't know who!"
"Then bring them all in for interrogation."

"But if he finds out, he'll escape the town."

"Then he'll be free."
"Not if we close the gates."

"He's a shadow!"
"Then we make sure he doesn't find out."
"But he's good at deceiving people! He could easily come up with a smart lie to trick us..."
"So the plan CAN go wrong. In so many ways."
"I guess so."

"This is getting us nowhere!" 
"All we'd be doing is entertaining the shape-shifter..."


We couldn't come up with a plan any better than what we had already. So we decided to go along with it, and hope that it would all work out. 

"Attention! Would all the residents of the city please go to the announcement center (idek I'm trash)?!" Jesse shouted to all the city.

Okay. Lemme stop you guys right there. Just to clarify, I am currently sick and my head hurts so do not, I repeat do NOT be annoyed at the cringe that is this chapter, kk? Okay, continue <3

Jesse repeated that over and over. Eventually, everyone in the city was there. "We are here today to announce two NEW members of the Order of the Stone!" he said energetically. Claps rang out through the crowd. I noticed one person clapping rather slowly, a smirk on his face. Could that be him? I wondered. Then I saw another person frown slightly and cross her arms. What about her? I thought. There were too many possibilities, and not enough time...

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