Mouth of the Hole

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It's the middle of the night. Your cell phone has just died. The Check Engine light suddenly flashes across your dashboard. Now, the car engine kills. You peer to the left then to the right. Nothing. A quick glance in your rear view mirror shows a glimmer of light in the distance. But you are alone, afraid, trapped on a stretch of highway you'd never driven. It was supposed to be a quick getaway. To some place away from the hustle and bustle of life. Now this.

Still, there's that approaching light...faint, but approaching. What happens next? Do you slide down into the backseat of your car, hoping to go unnoticed until daybreak or do you take a chance on who or what is approaching?

If you decide to take a chance, then you should proceed to the next page.

If you do not, then this is where the story ends for you.

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