xxii. ━━ unfortunate souls

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»»————- act two. fan the flames
TWENTY TWO ━━ unfortunate souls

 fan the flamesTWENTY TWO ━━ unfortunate souls

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those who suffer survive


     AN ALMOST INHUMANE SCREAM PIERCED THROUGH THE air and Erin shot out of the bed in a blind fright. She couldn't see. Only a blurry vision of dark shadows that surrounded her, suffocated her.
The brunette found her breath starting to become deep and rapid as her lung desperately tried to fill her lungs with air. Panic crashed through her senses while adrenaline soared through her blood stream, switching her senses into fight or flight mode in an instant. She felt a pair of hands grab hold of her wrists tightly, causing her to scream and struggle as she couldn't get the viscious images that played in front of her to stop.

     Her brown eyes were wild as she struggled with whoever kept a firm grip on her wrists. Someone was talking but in her ears it was nothing but static that buzzed through her skull and bounced of the walls inside her brain.

     She stopped moving all together and became tense when someone grabbed ahold of her face, staring deep in he own eyes, something about the blue color made her feel calm and safe and without realising it her heartbeat slowed down and her breath returned to normal.

    Finnick gave the girl a sad smile as he watched the love of his life staring frightful in his own eyes. That glimmer he always adored had vanished and been replaced by utter terror and that was not somthing Erin was.

     Erin was brave and selfless even in the face of death, she laughed at it because she knew that death had nothing on her. She wasn't afraid of it not in the way people normaly would be. Because Erin knew that whatever was on the other side woulde be a new adventure where her father and mother would be waiting.

     Death was not the end in her eyes, it was only a new beginning, but that Erin was slowly crumbling away, withering like a flower in the snow. Maybe deep down that Erin was still there but instead now she was just a mere shell of the great girl she used to be.

     Erin glanced over the shoulder of the blonde and at the man across the room, tears in her eyes as they focused on the man standing behind him.

      "I remember you." She whispered as she stared at Alex. "The younger you."

     Within seconds Alex had crossed the room and brought his little sister in a tight embrace, tears prickling in his eyes as he burried his face in her neck.

      "We-we used to watch the sunset with mom by the ocean." She smiled, tears welling up in her eyes before she lifted her head and looked at the blonde.

      "I may not remember you now Finnick, but I hope I will one day." She whispered. "I hope we can go back to the way we used to be."

      "Me too." Finnick smiled as small smile playing on his lips before he nodded and walked out the door.

      "The doctor said you could finally leave." Alex stated as he pulled away from Erin, wiping some stray tears away.

      A smile graced her lips, the horrofying memory in the back of her mind as a small sparkle returned in her eyes at the mention of leaving the hospital bed and be surrounded by people.

     The dinning hall was buzzing with people and Erin felt a little awkward sitting at a table with people who knew her but she didn't really know them.

     She knew there names what they did, but she didn't really know who they were. Her doctor told her that her recovery was going well and the vivid flashes she often endured during the night were a sign of her getting her memories back.

     They didn't know when but they were sure most of her memories would return to her and she clouldn't wait for that to happen.

     While she changed in most ways becaus of the amnesia she didn't completely change. She still was Erin only a differnt version, a more confused one and she couldn't stand the sorrowful looks people gave her, like she was some broken girl some girl that needed to be saved like a damsel in distress.

     She remembered her own games, well most of it. How she lost allies and friends how she had to fight for her life, how she had to kill. She was no damsel in distress, she was a fighter, a survivor. She was her own knight in shining armor. She didn't need saving she did that herself.

     And this one setback would not prevent her from fighting along side these people, her friends, her family.

     She came back from far worse things.

     Her eyes averted to the screen on the walls when the Capitol's national anthem began to play and a eerie silence fell over the room.

     Her gaze was glued towards it, a burning hate deep inside of her. It was their fault she was this mess, the horror they inflected. The way they thought they were some kind of god that could do as they pleased. It awoken something inside of her, a burning passion that was fueled by a deep hatred.

     Hello," Caesar greeted in low voice with a fake smile plastered on his face, "good evening to all in Panem. I'm Caesar Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever you're doing – if you're working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight. There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell. And here to shed a little light on the subject for us is a very special guest. Please welcome, Mr. Peeta Mellark."

     A Loud gasp erupted from beside her and Erin glanced at Katniss who looked shocked at the screen.

     She didn't really remember Peeta but who he was or whatever he was doing was very clear.

     Not good at all.



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