Light Textures [Probs Everywhere]

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Firstly, what are light textures?

Light textures are simply overlays that you can use to make your cover look more realistic and to add some more depth to your graphic!

Here is an example of one by Vanessax17 on DeivantArt:

This one is great especially for blends and signatures!

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This one is great especially for blends and signatures!

But I'm sure you want to know how to make your own. So let's get started!

Step 1.)

Start off with a plain black background of any size - usually 800x600, but if it's for a cover, then 512x800 is fine.

Step 2.)

Using a soft white brush, begin painting random lines on your canvas.

Using a soft white brush, begin painting random lines on your canvas

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Step 3.)

Now this is the part where Photoshop or Pixlr users will find easier. Here you want to try to play around with blur filters. The most commonly used is motion blur.

 The most commonly used is motion blur

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Not bad, but something's missing...more lines! you want your graphic to look realistic, so you have to add more details.

Step 4.)

On a separate layers, begin painting more lines.

On a separate layers, begin painting more lines

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Step 5.)

Add some more blur, and then painting white dots in random places, and make it ont he blend mode - soft light/overlay.

Step 6.)

Now start adding black shapes in random areas, to make some more depth.

Now start adding black shapes in random areas, to make some more depth

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Step 7.)

Again play around with blur.

Step 8.)

Add a black and white gradient and some more black (if needed) and set in soft light. If you want, continue to paint a little. 

And then you are done!

if you wanna use, feel free, but credit either jakepatt or graphicsociety

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if you wanna use, feel free, but credit either jakepatt or graphicsociety

any questions? tag jakepatt and ask away!

[ tutorial by jakepatt ]

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