2 - Seth

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Fiona's POV

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as I retreat back into Nathaniel's room. Locking the door I back away slowly, "Is everything okay?" He asked I flinched at the touch of his hand on my shoulder. Bracing myself against the wall I stare at him, "You're brother is here." 

"I know I called him." 

Shit! "Why?" 

"Because he should know he has knocked up my favorite employee. I want him to know this is not okay, or professional, and whatever you want to do with the baby is up to- what are you doing?" I glare at Nathaniel before opening the door to peek around for Seth, damn I don't want to believe I'm having his kid. Looking back I beg for him to not tell his brother, "Please Nathaniel if you care about me at all, you'll let me make my own decisions about this...." 

"Decision about what?" 

No need to look over my shoulder slowly, I knew exactly who it was. No need to run because he's found you. That's when I saw Nathaniel stand in front of me, facing Seth. I gulped at the sight of his tall height, "Great that you stopped by, come on in..." Nathaniel turns to me,

"Thank you Fiona I'll get those in right away, take the rest of the day off." He tells me in a soft voice before walking back into his office with Seth in tow. I felt as if a weight had been lifted off me only to be replaced by a damn whale. "Nice glow," Seth whispers with a wicked eye. 

Does he know I'm pregnant? 

He closes the door behind him, my feet didn't move when my brain wanted to. But how could I when I hear Nathaniel and Seth talking loudly on the other end. "Why did you call me here today Nate?" 

"Because I'm worried about you, how are you... dealing with Rene's death?" Hearing Seth laugh loudly was the last thing I heard before rushing down the hall, into my office, to collect my things. I didn't even bother saying goodbye to my assistant. I had to leave, Nate said I could leave. 

Finally outside the building I'm inhaling deeply, exhaling slowly, calming my heart rate. Adjusting my purse strap I stroll over to my car in the parking garage. I make sure to park away from cars because I once got mugged that way, some punk was hiding between them. 

Pulling out my keys I look ahead to not see my car, but the company town car. Where's my car, hitting the alarm button on my car I hear nothing. That's when I see two men in black suits get out of the vehicle. "Are you Fiona?" 

"Who wants to know?" I asked backing up ready to make my break for it, only to collide in a hard wall. Slumping to the ground I hold my head, looking around I'm back on my feet. I'm surrounded by 4 men. "Are you Fiona?" They ask in unison this time. 

Brains scattered I search for my mace, I didn't know self-defense but I did know how to use a mace and kick someone in the face. "I got it." I say only to see the men back away from me completely. All heading back to the car, "Where's my car?!" I shout at them. 

"Don't worry little bear it'll be okay." That voice was echoing through the garage, and I didn't turn around fast enough. All I saw was Seth stalking me with immense speed to see him point what looks like a gun at me. "Don't run." 



Waking up I notice this is not my apartment. It's too elegant and pristine to be my apartment. I mean sure I have nice things but not million dollar things laying around here. The bed I was on was freshly made beneath me. I was still in my clothes, hair was a little messy from me sleeping... the last thing I remember is... being in a garage... with Seth. 

The double doors I see in front of me were screaming for me to open them. Jumping off the bed I run to the doors but they don't budge, I pull them and push them, nothing. Looking around I see red Persian carpet, red walls, red was the dominate theme around in this room. I got dizzy and plopped down on the edge of the bed. 

Suddenly the doors open to reveal Seth, "Sorry about shooting you earlier, couldn't have you running and alerting my brother. The good one Mom and Dad both love with everything." He says sourly with fiery eyes. "I'm not bitter though. Anyway, I bet your wondering why you are here when you last recall going home... you were planning on going home right?" 

I was confused but didn't say a word, sighing he pulls a chair from the wall in front of me. Sits down, and removes a gun from his jacket. "Now I don't want to shoot that pretty face of yours. Just tell me what I want to know and this will be painless.... unless pain is what your into." He winks and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of crying in front of him right now. I didn't want him to know I'm shaken to the core with fear. 

"I was planning on going home-"

"On 10th correct, 15 minutes away from the club Vixen." He informs me, and what had me ready to sue him and get a restraining order was when he knew exactly where I lived. "How come you know where I live?" He points the gun over my head, "Don't ask questions." 

He clears his throat, "Why haven't you been dancing at Vixen for well over a month now?" He quizzed leaning forward. I gulped, "Because Nathaniel needed me on a big project that kept me at the office late at night. Because sometimes I didn't feel like dancing-" 

"Hmm... interesting." 

Knowing what he told me previously about not asking questions but I couldn't help myself, "Why am I here?-"

He points his finger at me instead, eyes blazing, and a jaw so tight I thought he'd break his own teeth. He looked so angry yet poised, collected even, very in control with his emotions. "That sounds like a question." 

"Are you going to kill me?" 

Screaming the second he puts the gun to my temple, and with the other hand he snakes it around my neck. He doesn't choke me out, but it's still terrifying. "I. Told. You. Not. To. Ask. Questions." 

He brings my ear to his lips, "Don't. Ever. Disobey. Me. Again." 

Soon after... I see blackness. 







A/N: I don't think Seth is scary enough, I mean why kidnap her? Do you think he knows Fiona is pregnant? Will he leave or stay if he ever finds the news out? Why is Seth doing all of this to Fiona? 

For those of you watching my Youtube Channel, I have been M.I.A for a while and that's because I could no longer use my phone, I had to buy a webcam. With that said I did buy one and now I'm waiting on the mic to come in, anyway... I just wanted to ask you guys what would you want to see me talk about? Upcoming books, questions about characters, reviews on certain books (If I have time), Q/A would be fun. Let me know! 

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