6 - Secrets

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Fiona's POV

For the last 20 minutes, I've been in bed staring at the ceiling, a beautiful ceiling none the less. With Seth holding me hostage, Nate kissing me, I just wind up sobbing out of nowhere. Covering my face with my hands I snuggle up with the mountain of pillows. They muffle my cries,

I don't love Nate, I don't like him like that. He's sweet and kind, but damn it I'm doomed to like the bad boys. My husband was a bad boy, my boss at my old job who I had an affair with was a bad boy. All boyfriends in high school and college were bad boys.

"Bump," What was that? Was someone knocking at the door? I see a shadow slowly pass my door when it made another bumping noise I sat up wiping my eyes. Sliding off the bed I walk over and slightly crack my door open. I see a woman in a wheelchair going down the long corridor. "Ma'am, do you need help?" I asked walking from my room to her side. She didn't seem to notice me.

"Ma'am-" I catch her grey eyes. She's blind, and from how she's concentrating on getting to whatever she needs to be. She must be deaf as well,

She's really pretty. Fresh make-up, amazing hair, clothes that made me jealous. It all matched the ring on her finger. "Oh, I didn't know Nate is married?" I whispered holding my chest in shock. She just kept rolling past me. I wondered what her name was, how did she end up like this? Hearing growing noise from downstairs I turn away from Mrs. Taylor.

I slowly make it back down the steps to see Seth reading a book on the sofa, quickly retreating against the wall

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I slowly make it back down the steps to see Seth reading a book on the sofa, quickly retreating against the wall.

"Do you have no soul brother? Honestly, I told you from the beginning Fiona is off limits. Why must you challenge me like this?"

"Because you don't love Fiona you just like looking at her because you're trapped in a marriage with a crippled mute! And challenge you? Please, you aren't the challenge you once were. If I'm being frank you wouldn't be right for her-"

That's when I'm startled by Nate's laughter, it was cynical. "And who is right for her Seth? Certainly not you, because you fucking locked her up like a damn animal. Why?"

"Because I wanted to know Fiona, top at her firm back in New York and here. I wanted to know the star employee-"

"Speaking of employees why steal mine?"

"Oh, Nate.... you know exactly why I do it. And what I do. Afraid Fiona might see you differently for allowing such fowl thing to happen under the company nose?"

"Honestly I don't know what you do when you take random girls from my company-"

"It's my business, Nate. You have yours and I have mine. It doesn't matter either way because starting right now. I'll stop taking girls from the office. I'll even recruit new girls for the company so you don't lose profit."

"At what cost?"

"You know what my cost is, brother. Plain and simple, hell I might just leave the company grounds all together for this simple exchange."

That's when I hear Mrs. Taylor screaming for Nate. "You better get going. Don't want to keep the misses waiting. You are her devoted husband through sickness and health." Seth mocks at a sighing Nate. "When I come back down you better be gone."


Once I hear a door open and close I peek around the corner to see Seth staring right at me. "Come on out, I knew you were there the entire time." He says in a soft tone, I barely recognized it. I stayed on the steps, safe. "At what cost will you leave the company?"

He shakes his head, "I can't answer that question yet."

"Why are you taking innocent women from the company?"

"Because our company thanks to Nate is 80% owned by a drug lord who likes to see pretty women. If we don't supply him with pretty women he'll shut down everything. Until we have enough money to outbid him this is how it will be. Alright, there you know the truth."

"Why is Nate to blame?"

"Because of the woman upstairs, his wife. That's the drug lord's daughter. Back in the day, Nate was bad to the bone, and Cheyenne- yes like the spice was just as bad. They were driving along the strip and the car just spun out of control. After the smoke cleared, Nate walked away unscathed. Cheyenne on the other hand... oil and fluids from the car got into her eyes, the way her the car had flipped and wrapped around the tree crushed her body. But mostly her head, where she lost the ability to hear."

Now I felt really bad.

"Doctors always tell Nate how she's improving her hearing, and eventually she might be able to hear again. As for her sight, there's a good chance of that too. I hope she makes a full recovery. She's still one beautiful piece of art."

I got a bad taste in my mouth the second he said art, made me think back to that painting. Made me think of the cruel words he said to me, I hated how badly his words affected me. "I don't think you're pretty." He says in the quiet room.

"We already went over this, you think I'm ugly. You were talking about the painting-" He gets up from the sofa, and goes to another one closer to me. Sits on the armrest, "You assumed that I thought you were pretty. But I think you're stunning. I think you're a stunning Queen who deserves a King. I have seen you dance at Vixen, you're so... breathtaking it makes everything else in the world melt away. When I see you dance... you're stunning."

No words could leave my mouth because Nate came back downstairs clapping his hands. "What did I tell you??!" He yells picking him up by the collar and dragging him towards the door. Nate looks back at me, "Fiona are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I shake my head and scream at the swift action Seth took to grab his gun from under his jacket.

Throwing a solid punch at Nate he wraps him in a choke hold, the gun pointed at his temple. Just like I remember, "Now back to the question you asked earlier Fiona. Please ask it again? The one regarding the company?"

"At what cost would you leave the company?" I re-ask for Nate's sake, he was turning blood scratching at Seth's arm. He wasn't even bothered. "Ah yes, what would make me leave? You, Fiona. If you come to stay with me. I won't ever come back to the company, I won't mess with Nate or any of the employees. I promise."






A/N: I finally have a solid direction of where I want to take this story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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