4 - Nathaniel

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Fiona's POV

"I wanna know why you locked me in here? What day is it? How come you know where I live? And I want to see that damn painting of me!" I shout at him, hands trembling on the trigger. He doesn't move. "Pull. The. Trigger."

Caught off guard by his demand I begin to close my eyes when in a flash he whips around, grabbing my wrists, holding them up to the ceiling I shoot. My eyes are sealed shut, "ENOUGH!" Seth's booming voice was the only thing to register after being shoved against the doors. He still holds my wrists hostage above my head as we stare at each other. "You disobeyed me again." He seethed looking everywhere on my face except my eyes. "And I held you at gun point!" I shout back officially tired of his antics, of his crazy ways. "Why do you steal women from the company? Why are you so-"

I pulled the trigger, instantly Seth falls to the ground and I don't waste time. Pulling the doors apart I run down the hall, the first door I see it a grey one. It opens, closing it behind me I lock it. Panting I swallow air, my eyes connect with my phone on his desk. I couldn't get over there fast enough...

Dialing 9-1-1 I stop and decide to call Nathaniel first because I had no idea where I was, how much help would police be. It only dialed once before I hear Nathaniel's voice, "Hey where have you been? You've been gone for a week. Is everything okay with the baby? I've been worried about you."

"I'm in trouble Nathaniel, I'm with your brother Seth! I don't know where I am exactly. He-he- help me please." I started to cry when I heard the warning my phone was giving me, it's gonna die. "I shot him Nate... please... I'm so sorry-"

Finally his voice returns, "It's okay Fiona, just breathe." Another pause and I glance sideways thinking I saw Seth bust down the door. Sitting on the desk I wait to hear Nate's calming voice. "You. Have. My. Word. I will get you." His words stirred comfort but it all dashed the second the doorknobs are rattling. Rolling over I drop to the floor and hide under the desk, "He's trying to break in Nate! He's coming to get me-"

"Hang on Fiona I'm almost there-"

"Hello? Nate? Hello?!" Screaming into the phone I pull it from my ear to see that it's completely dead. Shaky hands drop the phone between my legs before I crunch down, covering my ears, eyes are slammed shut. With relentless pounding and rattling I kept telling myself the song, the very song Sara praised upon to keep Seth away.

  "B- Bosses come and go, Seth stays to strive.
Take my w- warning plea, Interns come to die.
There's no escape, he's locked in your fate.
Don't try to shine, your co-workers will b- betray you ... in no time.
No one can save you, so get a clue.
Seth will destroy, consume, and be the death of you."

"He'll be the death of me, he's gonna kill me, I'm dead." I kept chanting it over and over until the pounding stops, it's so quiet that I'm scared to breathe. Wiping away at the tears I cover my mouth to keep from sobbing. My heart stops when I hear the locking of the door un-lock. Repeating the words over and over in my head I hoped and prayed that it works the same way to keep Seth away from me.

My heart was racing so loudly it was ringing in my ears when I follow the footsteps of someone walking through the doors. The moaning of floorboards underneath whoever it is, the second I release my mouth I hiccup. I clamp my hand over my mouth again, close my eyes, and felt a single tear run down... this is how I die.

"Fiona." With a sharp side ways glance I sigh deeply at the beautiful sight of Nate bending down beside me. He had a soft smile, held out a hand but I grabbed onto his neck and shoulders. He wraps his arms around me protectively. "I'm so scared Nate." He rubs my back soothingly as we just sit on the floor. "Nothing will hurt you now. I'm here Fiona, you're safe. You're safe," He repeats those words as I stare blankly into space.

I wanted to ask what happened to Seth but I didn't want to loose anymore brain cells thinking about Seth. I just wanted to leave, I just wanted to never come back here. "Can you walk? Did he hurt you?" He asked pulling slightly away from me to check over my face. When his fingertips traced over my cheekbones I felt electricity. "No just bruised my ego and scared the piss out of me." I mutter sourly no longer caring I was in the presence of my boss.

Nate smirks a bit before helping me to my feet, slowly we start to leave the room when I'm planted to the ground. I stop so harshly Nate stumbles forward, and the rest of my attention is stuck on seeing the painting Seth made of me.

My face was depressed, cheeks looked a bit hollow but that's because Seth was borderline starving me. Hair was messy, I looked exhausted but none of that compared to what was written underneath me sitting on the bed, staring at the damn wall for hours at a time. "What's wrong Fiona?"

Pointing at the portrait, it's like my brain couldn't compute why he would write that under me. He called me ugly, a monkey, he's a racist sack of shit who could to suck on a cactus for all I care. But seeing that single word made me think-well utterly confused me. Was this another one of his fucking mind games?

"What does that mean... there at the bottom?" Nate asked and on cue my mouth goes dry when trying to speak. "Raanee... it means Queen in Hindi." Nate tugs me along through the doors where we face Seth at the end of the hall. He was holding his arm avoiding the stern look Nate was giving him.

I didn't look away from Seth, wanting to stand my ground I had to make a point to him. I'm strong, despite him scaring me to death, my hate for Seth is far stronger than my fear. "Why did you write Queen under me in that painting?" I ask behind the safety of Nate.

"Because I think you're a..." He began strong and confident until looking up at Nate. His eyes were soft until looking at Nate, his demeanor felt as if he was just looking at me in the entire world... until he looked at Nate. In a flash the softer side was gone, he was back to be harsh, cold, and giving me a glare. "...Because I don't have to give you an explanation- hell you shot me! I should burn it, it's ugly anyway. Complete waste of my time!" He says instead...

"Nice bro. Real classy," Nate murmured under his breath taking my small hand in his, we walk down the hall out of the entrance... I only looked back at Seth for a second. It was long enough to see him hang his head before sulking away...







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