We stopped at each village only long enough for Hedyr ensure that all was well and to promise the people that the king would protect them. We rejoined Hatesa and Idumo two days later; they had ridden nearly as hard as we had. No other villages had been attacked.
Hedyr sent out riders from some of the villages to warn others of the attack. He had Sverrhu fly ahead to alert the king. When we were a day away from the mountain, we saw dragons darting south.
Erizar was waiting for us when we arrived in the middle of the night. He, Hedyr, Morena, and Idumo left to speak with the king while the rest of us were dismissed to go home. Tryven left without a word to any of us.
Hatesa was asleep almost as soon as she lay down, but I was afraid to close my eyes. Nightmares had plagued me since burying the maimed bodies of the villagers. Twice on our journey home one of the riders had to wake me because I had been screaming.
A few hours before dawn I gave up all attempts at sleep and left the house. I did not know where I would go, but I had to move. Not quite knowing why, I started for the castle. The city was still around me, save for the lanterns.
Before I reached the final bend in the road, I heard the noise of swords clashing in the castle yard. There were voices too, though I could not quite distinguish them. I stood in the middle of the road for a full minute before making up my mind and continuing.
There were two men sparring in the middle of the lawn, their swords flashing in the torchlight. Behind them lounged a large gray dragon, which told me the identity of one of the men. The dragon saw me first and raised her head.
"Good morning, small one," she thrummed. Her voice was warm and smooth, unlike Vedis's growl. At the sound of it, both men paused to acknowledge me.
It seemed I was not the only one of the riders unable to sleep. The second man, who had been turned away from me, was Hedyr.
"I did not mean to interrupt," I told the men. Then to the dragon I added, "Hello."
Breathing deeply, Hedyr lowered his sword. "No need to apologize." His keen eyes studied me. "Bad dreams still?"
I just shrugged.
"What are you doing here?" Aridon asked as he sheathed his own sword.
His dragon, who I remembered was called Lotorea, was more perceptive. "You look as though you have not slept in many days."
I squirmed under their collective scrutiny, avoiding Hedyr's eyes in particular. "I just needed to go for a walk. I can leave if I am in the way."
"No," Hedyr said immediately. "Thank you for the practice, Aridon. Might I ask another favor?" Heangled his head to include Lotorea in this question, and she got to her feet.
Aridon started to rub his wrist. "What would that be?"
"Would you be able to take Azadryn and me to the caves? With Lotorea? The tunnels would take too long."
Lotorea did not give Aridon a chance to answer. "Certainly. I was thinking the same thing."
"Caves?" I asked.
Hedyr sheathed his sword and waved me over. "You have never been, have you? To the dragon caves?"
"Runedan has told me about them...." I watched as Aridon climbed effortlessly onto Lotorea's back and held out an arm to us.
Lotorea nodded encouragingly to me. "Runedan flies patrol, but he will not leave for several hours. He should be there now."
I stayed where I was. "I only wanted-"

FantasíaPlease note: this is a third-draft story but is not revised. More than a century ago, dragons and the blue-eyed Shaderi flew together. Then they were brought down by jealous men who feared their power. Now blue eyes are a curse and dragons are a la...