Outside of the castle, our dragons were back on their feet, faces alert. The guards that had been assigned to watch them had backed away."Sir," one of the soldiers said, addressing Hedyr, "I am no traitor. I only want to protect my family, and for me that means riding with you. If you will have me."
Hedyr smiled grimly. "Of course. But we'd best move before the king changes his mind about how he wishes to deal with us." He darted a glance at Morena, already astride Sitara, her face set. "Gather who you can before your father makes it impossible. Tell them what I've set. Meet us at the lake at sunset."
"What about the king?" the woman who had ridden with us asked. "He warned you to leave."
"With his daughter among the traitors, his benevolence may reach farther," Hedyr said.
"I wouldn't count on it," Morena replied. At a sign from her, Sitara leaped skyward.
"The rest of you find some place to wait until sunset," Hedyr said. "Azadryn and I will meet you at the lake."
No one argued, and in a minute it was just me and Hedyr standing on the brown lawn of the castle. Hedyr made a sign for me to follow him, casting a dark look over his shoulder at the castle.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Home," was all he said. When he offered his hand, I took it and gave it a swift squeeze. We hurried away, the enraged shouts of the king and his companions echoing behind us.
Everything still smelled of ashes. We tripped around scattered cobblestones and ducked under hanging beams. Banners hung listlessly from the remains of rooftops. Gardens had been reduced to piles of churned earth and roots. If I looked closely enough, I could see blood among the streaks of black. Like at the villages, claw marks from dragons tore across everything.
"Most of the people had time to get to the tunnels," Hedyr told me. "That is where they are now. We had plenty of supplies down there, so they are not starving."
"Still, to rebuild..." My toes caught on a trailing line of laundry and I stumbled. Hedyr's hand kept me on my feet. Kicking my foot loose, I eyed the remnants of clothing still stuck to the line.
"We have rebuilt before."
"I know, but...." I cast my eyes about, taking in the wreckage. "That does not make it easier."
Soon I recognized the houses we were passing - or what remained of them. My heart tightened when I spotted Erizar's house.
"Is Hatesa well?" I asked.
"Last I heard." Hedyr laughed softly. "She fought when Umreo's men came." And then his face fell.
"She knows about Erizar?"
Slowly, he nodded. "I sent word. It was the best I could do."
We continued down the road until we reached the house Hedyr and Tryven shared. The door hung on one hinge, leaning into the street. Carefully we stepped through the doorway and into the shadowy interior, and then through the door across the room. Music carried faintly through the stone, as well as the murmur of voices.
When Hedyr opened the door, the warm light of lanterns met us. A passing man started at our appearance, his lantern swinging wildly in his hand.
He squinted against the light. "Hedyr?"
Hedyr smiled. "I told you I would come back when I could."
I recognized the man as a patrol rider. His eyes flitted to me and his face paled. "Does the king know."

FantasyPlease note: this is a third-draft story but is not revised. More than a century ago, dragons and the blue-eyed Shaderi flew together. Then they were brought down by jealous men who feared their power. Now blue eyes are a curse and dragons are a la...